Our friend Razor bashes city hall in Radio Phree Philadelphia, aka RPP, aka Some Guy Raving About Nothing In Particular. From his roof top broadcast booth that you would never in a million years find, Razor takes pot shots at the Department Of Streets, bigots, the mayor, totally innocent people attempting to reach the Tax Payer Hotline, and just about anybody who happens to be breathing at the time of broadcast.


Post Date

RPP #007: Phucked Up And Phree In Philadelphia 1999-05-24
RPP #006: Radio Phree Six 1998-03-02
RPP #005: Razor's Music Review 1997-11-17
RPP #004: Radio Phree Phour 1997-03-03
RPP #003: Radio Phree Three 1997-03-03
RPP #002: Still Phree In Philadelphia 1996-08-26
RPP #001: Radio Phree Philadelphia 1996-06-03