Well isn’t this ducky, it's time for yet another installment
of Radio Phree Philadelphia; the only news show in the area which truly
and honestly doesn’t give a shit about its listeners. Tonight we’re broadcasting
on 106.9 which, until a few seconds ago, was the home of Evangelist Radio
(‘All Bigots, All The Time’). In fact, in an attempt to further piss off
various oppressive religious organizations, we’ve decided to divert the
calls that would normally go to 106.9, into my little radio booth here.
Oh, look! We have a caller! Hello, you’re on the God line. Can I help you
further oppress the masses in some way?
Yes, as a matter of fact. We’re planning a march on 13th and Chestnut
street in Center City Philly which, as you may know, is a haven for homosexuals
and other individuals or evil. I was wondering if you know of any irrational,
prejudiced, bigoted slogans we could shout while wandering through the
streets in a lame attempt to agitate a group of individuals who generally
keep to themselves and don’t bother anybody.
Sure! I can think of plenty! How about this one: “Hey gay people!
We represent a group of religious type people who rarely follow what we
preach, whose leaders often get caught up in sex and money scandals, who
would rather spend time pestering people than helping to solve real problems
in the world such as hunger, violence, and abuse, who like to teach our
children an unnatural hatred toward our fellow human beings, a hatred that
would never manifest if it wasn’t rubbed in their faces by assholes such
as ourselves, a...
Goddamnit, that’s not an anti-homosexual statement!
Blasphemer! You just bought yourself a one way ticket to HELL!
Die, fucker, die!!!!!!!!!
Gee. Looks like he hung up. Imagine that. Amazing how quickly
they fold.....
Anyway, enough public awareness shit. It’s now time for Fudge
Hansom, and his Prank Of The Day. Fudge?
Don’t even start.
Uh, yeah. Ok. Well, today I’m standing in the middle of Philly’s
beautiful City Hall.
The place with the bird shit covered Billy Penn statue on top?
That would be it.
Does your prank involve the statue?
Well, no, not really....
And why the Hell not?
Well, I was gonna do something a bit different....
Damnit, Fudge, I told you I wanted a prank involving the statue.
I’m gonna do the news now, Fudge. When I’m done, you’d better
have a Billy Penn statue prank ready for me.
But I....
Ok, news time.
Aregon Oil experienced yet ANOTHER spill when it lodged one of
its tankers way the hell up the Delaware, miles away from any refinery.
Investigators have determined that Aregon Oil’s apparent inability to upgrade
the navigational computers on their ships led to this disaster, as well
as a similar one last week when a tanker rammed headfirst into a Camden
Inc. gambling boat. While the Yakuza were nice enough to punish the offending
corporation for the Camden incident (5 dead, 12 injured) it is unlikely
any legal means will be able to penetrate Aregon Oil’s dense layer of layers
effectively enough to provide adequate punishment. Unless some kind of
Eco group steps in, it appears that the corp will get off Scot-free.
Wow! This just in! The eco-warrior group known as Earth Now,
Damnit has arrived on the scene of Aregon’s recent wreck and is currently
in the process of dipping the ship’s Captain, several Aregon representatives,
and even some of the Investigators, into the petroleum covered river. Justice
will be served.
Next up, Philadelphia experienced one of its worst traffic jams
in history when the Department Of Roads simultaneously repaved thirty different
intersections. Apparently the detour signs were set up in such a pattern
that they vented virtually all Center City traffic into a narrow, one lane
alley that dead ended at the edge of the Schuylkill river. More than fifty
cars were pushed into the river’s waters by exceptionally aggressive drivers
before the Department Of Roads realized their mistake and rearranged the
detour signs so they’d vent traffic down a TWO lane road that dead ended
at the Schuylkill river. Fun, fun, fun.....
Speaking of fun, let’s check back with Fudge Hansom and see how
that prank is coming. Fudge?
Knock it off.
Right-o. Anyway, the William Penn statue prank is all set and it’s
certain to be a knee-slapper.
Swell, just get moving. And there better be some good audio.
Oh, there’s gonna be audio all right. Prank away in three, two,
(extremely loud explosion)
That...uh....was a rocket impacting upon the statue and shattering
it into about 100,000 pieces.
That we did.
Damnit, Fudge! I wanted a prank, not an act of terrorism!
Don’t but me, you little mound of crap. I LIKED that statue.
I thought it was beautiful the way the sunlight would glisten off the fresh
bird shit first thing in the morning. I liked walking near the statue and
making slick comments such as: “Wow, Billy’s got a HUGE ass!” But now you’ve
ruined it!
Uh, Mr. Razor sir. Fudge has just been tackled by several Minuteman
response teams. I don’t think we’re gonna be seeing him for a while.
Who the hell are you?
I’m, uh, Fudge’s brother, Smudge.
Are you funny?
Well, not really.
Are you pathetic?
Pretty much, yeah.
Great! I love pathetic!
What are you getting at, sir?
Let me put it this way: Do you know any good pranks?
Oh shit.