Spellbook #009
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page: www.BlackjackSR.com] [BlackjackSRx@gmail.com] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 2019-05-31

Pussy Whipped

Manipulation [Mental]
Type: Mental
Range: LOS
Duration: Sustained
Drain: F-3

Effective only against males, the target of a successful Pussy Whipped spell becomes submissive and compliant to any female who gives him an order.  In addition, the target may fail to act or react to external stimuli in his usual manner unless he is told what to do by a female.  In social situations, the target will often agree with a female's comments, even if these comments contradict his normal set of beliefs.  A really successful casting of the spell will reduce the male to a miserable, willpowerless mess that is unable to tie his own shoes without specific instructions from a woman.

Example Of Use:

Jill Magician has just about had it with the macho, thick skulled sexist she's been hired to run with.  After a final tasteless joke, Jill decides to knock him down a few pegs by casting Pussy Whipped.  She rolls her dice against Mr. Macho's willpower and achieves a good 4 net successes.  Her co-runner's demeanor softens noticeably as a look of disorientation spreads across his face.  Mr. Macho looks to Jill with lost puppy eyes and quietly asks if it's ok if he eats one of his rations.  Jill says no, and her partner apologizes for asking.


Detection [Active, Area]
Type: Mental
Range: Touch
Duration: Sustained
Drain: F-6

Tuner allows the magician to monitor audio only radio waves passing through his or her immeidate area (that's a lot of frequencies).  The degree of spell success determines how well the magician was able to "scan" for the frequency he's looking for and how good the reception is once the frequency is located (GM's determination).  If the magician has absolutely no knowledge of radio frequencies, the number of successes required should be rather high.  However, if the magician knows the specific range he or she's looking for, has some sort of communications skill, or happens to have a book of radio frequencies then the number of successes needed should be more modest.  Note that the spell cannot receive laser or microwave directional transmissions and cannot unscramble encrypted signals.

Example Of Use:

Jill Magician is bored to hell as she sits at a park bench, waiting for her Johnson to show up.  Since she knows the cops have been looking for her, she decides to cast Tuner and listen in on some police frequencies.  Since she knows the range of frequencies generally used by the police, her 3 successes are enough to find the cop's general signal range.  However, she must still spend some time skipping through the individual frequencies, listening for some mention of her name.  Jill then cusses to herself because the bands are encrypted.