Spellbook #005
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page: www.BlackjackSR.com] [BlackjackSRx@gmail.com] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: xxxxx

Foot Chase

Detection [Active Directional]
Type: Mental
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Drain: F-3

When perusing an individual, the Chase spell assists the magician in determining which path the individual may have taken. The number of successes determines the reliability of the determination and should take into account such details as the stealth of the opponent and the distance between the castor and the opponent.

Example Of Use:

Jill Magician is chasing an individual jacked up on NeoSpeed, finally losing sight of the individual as he darts into a complex sewer tunnel system. Jill arrives at a 3 way split and decides to cast Foot Chase on herself in an attempt to figure out which path the target may have taken. She rolls 5 successes and, since the individual isn’t concerned about stealth and just recently passed by the location, the GM determines that 5 success is sufficient to produce the reliable response that the target darted into the tunnel at Jill’s right.


Health [Essence]
Type: Physical
Range: Touch
Duration: Sustained
Drain: F

Requires a willing target. When cast successfully, this spell causes all physically detectable lifesigns in the target to cease, decreases body temperature to that of a deceased individual, and stiffens the muscles in a simulation of rigor mortis. The number of successes determines the believability of the death state when the individual is examined by superficial or medical means. The target is fully aware of his or her surroundings and, if examined astrally, still possesses the aura of a living being. When the spell is dropped the body instantly returns to normal.  A magician who casts the spell on themselves is still able to maintain it as they are still alert and aware of their surroundings.

Example Of Use:

Jill Magician is busy removing an expensive piece of cyberware from a corpse located in a corporate morgue when she hears a contingent of response troops coming down the hall. She looks around, spots an empty gurney, lays down on it, and casts Dead on herself, achieving 4 successes. The troops enter and quickly examine several of the bodies in the room, including Jill’s. Since the troops are not trained medical professionals and do little more than poke her body a few times, the GM determines that Jill’s ruse worked.