Spellbook #004
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page: www.BlackjackSR.com] [BlackjackSRx@gmail.com] [@BlackjackSRx]

Tweeted: May, 2021x


Manipulation [Physical]
Type: Physical
Range: Touch (Restricted Target: Paper)
Duration: Permanent (1 Turn)
Drain: F-4

Print prints whatever image the castor is currently picturing in his or her mind on a standard piece of paper in full color. The number of successes determines the quality of the output. Only one page can be printed with each casting of the spell.

Example Of Use:

Jill Magician witnesses somebody shoplifting in a local Shop N’ Snack. She chooses against stunbolting the hell out of him, and decides to simply print a picture of the person to give to the store owner. She asks for a piece of paper, focuses on her memory of the shoplifter, and casts the spell. Jill rolls 5 successes, thus producing a very clear image.

Translate (Conventional)

Detection [Active, Directional]
Type: Mental
Range: LOS 
Duration: Sustained
Drain: F-5

When cast on a voluntary subject, the spell translates the basic meanings of words spoken in any language. The number of successes determines how clear the message comes across. If the message is extremely complex or far removed from the target’s native language, a large number of successes will be needed in order for it to be understood. No telepathic link is established.

Example Of Use:

Jill is walking back from her favorite seedy bar when a desperate elf approaches her and starts speaking in Gaelic. Jill can’t understand a damn word the woman’s saying, so she casts Translate on herself in the hopes that it will clear things up. She rolls 4 successes, which helps a little, but not much, seeing as how Jill’s never even heard Gaelic before. She does, however, grasp the basic meaning of the words: The woman is running from somebody and needs to hide.