Illusion [Realistic, SIngle Sense] Type: Mental
Range: LOS
Duration: Sustained
Drain: F-3 Hilarity causes the target to perceive everything any person says or
does as being insanely funny. The target perceives simple gestures or greetings
as being the most hilarious thing he or she has ever seen or heard. The
number of successes determines how funny the target perceives everything
as being. 5 or more net successes probably means the target wet his or her
pants. Modifiers to any tests attempted by the target while under the influence
of Hilarity may be added at the GMs discretion.
Example Of Use:
Jill Magician is attending a political dinner (don't ask why) and is
currently being lectured by a drunken politician on how women should have
never been allowed in politics and how they're responsible for all problems
currently endured by (meta)humankind. Jill keeps her cool (don't ask why)
and, as the blimp-like drunkard excuses himself and wanders over to speak
to the city's Mayor, she decides to cast Hilarity on him. Jill tosses her
dice in an opposed test against the drunk and, since his willpower has
been dramatically reduced by the ingestion of alcohol, comes out a whopping
5 successes on top. The Mayor says "Hello, have you met my wife?" and the
drunk politician erupts into hysterical raucous laughter which eventually
floors him in a puddle of piss and drool. Jill smiles.
Illusion [Realistic, Single Sense] Type: Mental
Range: LOS (A) Duration: Sustained
Drain: F-3
Comic is similar to Hilarity only instead of the target perceiving everything
as being funny, everyone perceives the target as being funny, no
matter how mundane his statements or actions are in reality. An area effect spell, all applicable targets within a six meter radius
of the target resist the spells effects with Willpower. Modifiers to any
tests attempted by the victims while under the influence of Comic may be
added at the GMs discretion. If the target is NOT willing, he also participates
in an Willpower test. If this test comes out in the targets favor the spell
cannot successfully make him the center of attention and therefore is not
effective. Only one actual spellcasting roll should be made and all resistance
tests should be measured off the success or failure of this single roll.
Example Of Use:
Jill magician is watching her friend Bill perform a comedic routine
before a rather stiff audience at the Big Laugharoo comedy club. To put it
mildly, Bill is dying, so Jill decides to spruce up his routine by casting Comic
on him. She rolls her dice, achieving 5 successes and first compares her
successes to those of Bills resistance test since he, technically, is not a
willing target. Bill achieves only 4 thus allowing the spell to make him the
center of attention. Jill then compares her 5 successes against those achieved
by any special members of the audience. Anybody who fails to achieve five or
more successes in their resistance tests succumb to Bills sudden influx of comic