Spellbook #002
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page: www.BlackjackSR.com] [BlackjackSRx@gmail.com] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: xxxxx


Manipulation [Mental]
Type: Mental
Range: LOS
Duration: Sustained
Drain: F-2

Dweeb turns the target into an annoying, pathetic little person of the type you always wanted to smack in high school. Everything they say will manifest in a high pitched, whiny, cracking voice and they may absent mindedly pick their nose or suck their thumb. The number of successes determines exactly how annoying and pathetic this person ends up.

Example Of Use:

Jill finds out that her ex-boyfriend is running for a seat in the city council and decided to pay him a visit at the debate that night. As he begins to verbally attack his opponent's level of maturity Jill casts Dweeb on him achieving 3 successes to his resistance of 1. Ex-loverboy's voice suddenly raises several octaves and he begins vigorously picking his nose, concluding his speech by eating the booger. Jill smiles.


Manipulation [Physical]
Type: Physical
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent (1)
Drain: F-4

Marker allows the user to write with their finger as if it was a marker, pencil, or crayon of any color the caster chooses. The number of successes determines how many minutes it would take a person to wash the marking off.

Example Of Use:

Jill comes across the lovely Westwind 2000 belonging to ex- boyfriend and decides to leave him a heart to heart message on its recently waxed hood. She puts her finger to the hood and casts Marker, achieving a good 4 successes. Since the spell becomes permanent the same turn she casts it it is as if she is simply writing with her finger as she writes "DICKHEAD" in large, half meter high florescent green letters. (Although, technically, this means she would have to recast the spell each action in order to keep writing, for the sake of simplicity I would probably treat it as sustained.) It will take loverboy 4 minutes to wash the marking off.