By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1996-10-30

A few things for runners to do while they're waiting for the "big one":

Big Stu - Bored and violent. Willing to pay 100ny to anyone willing to pick a fight with me. Inquire at the Big Rhino.

Jaxx - Transportation needed between Seattle and Denver. Security and secrecy a must. Large cargo capacity required. Payment: 1000ny.

Opium - Test subjects needed for new BTL. Subjects must be willing and conscious. Possibility of death or insanity minimal. Payment: 300ny.

Miss Kimberly Snodgrass - Somebody has taken Mittens! 2000ny to whoever can get her back.

Cap - Free round trip air fair to Hawaii to retrieve small and highly illegal package. Payment: 100ny and free one week stay in the luxurious Hawaii Villa Hilton Resort Spa Hotel.

Sniffer Rex - Training needed. I don't wanna be a wanna be anymore. 100ny an hour.

Cold Shower - Talent needed for new erotic video. Must be well endowed. 800ny.

Happy Henry - I've lost my cred stick pin number and they won't give it back to me without five forms of I.D. all of which were destroyed when Ethel let the Lasagna heat up and explode in the oven. 500ny payment.

Corporal Kemp -Temporary manpower needed in Aztlan. 1000ny per day.