I sometimes use little snippets of information like these to create
small runs on the fly. They are usually discovered accidentially by a group's
decker stored in some low security datastore. Enjoy.
Packet Fragment 23871242332881265
Origin: Los Angeles
Destination: Seattle
Recovery Log: Broken from original data 12-21-54/01:32:12:44:65
after relay node breakdown
Recovered Data:
..will do anything to stop this. Meg and Dullus trapped at 9th and
(data missing) find Hammer and initiate recovery 113 now or we're..
Packet Fragment 23871242332881381
Origin: Atlanta
Destination: Seattle
Recovery Log: Broken from original data on 12-24-54/03:45:12:75:94
by security IC after improper packet identification
Recovered Data:
..and snagged the local of Ares records. Shipment data node codes
2412312,645,23843 should get you in. Big one on the first, don't
know where. Meet at..
Packet Fragment 23871242332881410
Origin: Quebec City
Destination: Seattle
Recovery Log: Broken from original data on 12-25-54/02:31:44:37:76
by security IC after improper packet identification
..and then the cops seized every last one of the cannons although
I managed to make off with half the rifles. They're keeping them
in storage at station 42. Looks like security is pretty light.
How about we grab some power and go get..
Packet Fragment 23871242332881537
Origin: D.C.
Destination: Seattle
Recovery Log: Broken from original data on 12-25-54/22:53:34:84:23
by security IC after improper packet identification
..and the Fed Pols are at the gate. I know we're gonna get nailed.
Send support A.S.A.P. Cambridge and Del are with me, Del's shot up
pretty bad. Desperately need..
Packet Fragment 23871242332881589
Origin: Seattle
Destination: Seattle
Recovery Log: Broken from original data on 12-26-54/00:04:23:16:63
due to unexplained packet fragmentation
..may have found another Underground entrance. Looks like it hooks
up with a vault of some kind, don't know what's in it. Underneath
the Needle if you want to..