Random Table #039
Military Ordinance
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page: www.BlackjackSR.com] [BlackjackSRx@gmail.com] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1999-07-26

11      Sikorski Pinpoint Dropbomb
12      Terrier Streak Tracking Air To Air      
13      Emerson Point To Point Rocket
14      Fairchild High Dispersion Gas Bomb
15      General Electric "Earthmover" 
16      Hiller Model 12 Laser Guided Bomb

21      Lockheed "Deathzone" Mine Bomb
22      Terrier "Terror" Self-Guided ATG Missile
23      Nightingale High Velocity Streak ATA Missile
24      Redeye Advanced Man Pack Anti-Armor Projectile
25      M-210 Dragonslayer Smart Rocket
26      Machivelli Dumb Bomb

31      Beech/Talon Radar Guided All Purpose Missile
32      Boeing "Deep-6" Depth Bomb
33      Lockheed Seeker Elite
34      Jones "Cratermaker" High Explosive Bomb
35      Z-22 Experimental ECCM Streak Missile
36      Farraguite Multi-Warhead Anti-Personal Bomb

41      Sleep-Agent Gasbomb
42      Blackland "Inferno" Incendiary Bomb
43      Vigilante Chaos Demoralizer
44      ADAK Low-Level Cruise Missile
45      Invader ECM/ECCM Avoidance Missile
46      Lockheed "Independence Day" Airburst Incendiary

51      Kill-O-Plop
52      Mr. Massive Explosion
53      Sanduski Tracking-AI ATG Missile
54      Samaritan Delivery Bomb
55      Douglas Multi-Task Multi-Warhead Guided Bomb
56      "Broken Arrow" Cruise Missile

61      The Big Bang
62      Keller "World Killer" Death In A Can
63      Death Dance 2000 Armor Busting Missile
64      "Splashman" Chemical Bomb
65      Steeltown Uranium Core/Non-Explosive Bomb
66      Mr. Kaboom