Random Table #005
Irrational Fear
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page: www.BlackjackSR.com] [BlackjackSRx@gmail.com] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1996-08-26

11      Keys
12      Pencils
13      Deodorant
14      Sleds
15      Cupcake Sprinkles
16      Time

21      Intimate Relationships
22      Paper
23      Rocking Chairs
24      Zippo Lighters
25      Rabbits
26      Sale Items

31      Revolving Doors
32      Sunsets
33      Chocolate Ice Cream
34      Black And White Televisions
35      Sports Cars
36      Valet Parking

41      Freeway On Ramps
42      Eye Drops
43      Sewer Grates
44      Toilet Seat Covers
45      Feathers
46      Chess

51      The Letter Z
52      Sloppy Soy
53      Strip Malls
54      Saltine Crackers
55      Fans
56      High Tension Power Lines

61      Calculators
62      Honest Employment
63      Wine Glasses
64      Banjos
65      Garbage Cans
66      Filterless Cigarettes