The Slicer
Medium Bazaar Shop/Slige, Owner/Subtle
Bias Against Metahumans
A small sword shop in the middle of a magic oriented alley bazaar, The
Slicer's presence isn't well appreciated by other shopkeepers due to its
owner's tendency to rip people off, move out for a while, and then move
back in to give more people the shaft. The Slicer sells items of
shoddy quality that utilize steel not suited for the creation of kitchen
utensils. To the untrained eye, however, the racks upon racks of
gleaming weaponry look like a blade connoisseur's dream come true.
The Slicer also offers blade sharpening and alteration, which are probably
the only things the shop is good for. The subtle bias against metahumans
manifests in the form of even worse gear for non-humans.
Archetype: Human Bladesmith
A slow talking, easy going individual whose mannerisms could almost
be classified as "gentlemanly", Slige is a grade A manipulator, using his
good looks and eloquent speech to divert people's attention from the fact
that the items he sells are complete crap. Slige got into the shitty
weapons trade by accident, having hijacked a ocean transport filled with
gear bound for a South American gang. After his employer pulled out
of the deal, one member of his team got the guns, another some cyberware,
and Slige kept the 10000+ bladed weapons contained in the ship's hold.
He's been slowly selling them off ever since.
Slige would be relatively harmless if it wasn't for his extremely high
bladed weapons skills. Needless to say, the weapons he uses during
personal combat far exceed the quality of those he sells to the general
Medium Sized Luxury Restaurant/Maxine Luggins,
Owner/Bias Against The Uncouth
Luggins specializes in meals possessing virtually unintelligible names
that cost just over a hundred bucks (which is still dirt cheap on the grand
scale of things). Not popular enough to attract extremely high end
clientele, the staff at Luggins often has to deal with pseudo-millionaires
who just want to be seen in a nice place, but don't have the mannerisms
required to even so much as enter a downtown establishment. In an
effort to improve their image, Luggins has instituted a policy under which
they will do virtually anything (including offering money) to get uncultured
people out of the restaurant.
Archetype: Human Waitress
In her early twenties, Marsha majored in nonparanormal science, a field
that has gotten less and less popular with corporations as time has passed.
Currently she's stuck working as a waitress and has the tendency to end
up with the most uncouth patrons on the face of the earth.
Koop Corporate Costumes
Medium Clothing Store/C. Elrod Koop, Owner/No
Located in a strip mall, Koop Corporate Costumes (aka "KCC") sells a
variety of generic corporate costumes and uniforms. They will also
create an imitation of any uniform for any company that is not in the first
50 of the Fortune 500 list (nobody wants an annoyed Aztechnology showing
up at their door). The custom costumes can get rather expensive,
with the average price settling at around 350 nuyen.
Archetype: Human Clothing Store Worker
A completely blank man in his late 50s, it is very possible to accidentally
mistake Gavinto as one of those animatronic characters you see at an amusement
park. Once Gavinto receives a request, it is virtually impossible
to get him to switch gears. |