The following are excerpts from the Stupid Runner Tricks electronic
newsletter, a weekly publication featured on Shadowland that highlights
the not so glorious deaths and injuries of members of the runner community.
Human Street Samurai
Dangling from an I-beam high above the floor of a warehouse, Dando was
preparing to toss a grenade onto a group of gang members he had been hired
to eliminate. He pulled the pin with his teeth and quickly noticed
that the grenade refused to leave his hand. It had apparently slipped
his mind that the device allowing him to hang from the beam was his Magnetic
Cyberlimb System.
Troll Gang Member
After stealing 5 cans of Ultra Fizzi Pop from a Stuffer Shack by concealing
them in a sealed cyber leg compartment, Tumble bolted through the door
and past the store's security guards. He ran furiously for nearly
two blocks when one of the Fizzi Pop cans, now under intense pressure from
the run, exploded, starting a chain reaction that obliterating the leg.
Digital Don
Elf Decker
A skilled cyberdeck technician, Digital Don had perfected a high speed
universal port that could be utilized for applications ranging from simple
headphones to high power electricity transfers. After lobbying with
Ares for months, Digital Don was finally allowed to demonstrate his discovery
to a team of corporate developers. Either out of nervousness or closet
stupidity, Don jacked into his deck's auxiliary power output, resulting
in a permanent reduction in his mental capabilities and a rather interesting
light show.
Human Rigger
After mounting an elaborate hood ornament on his Westwind 2000, Speedo
headed towards downtown to show it off. Upon entering the highway
he activated the autopilot, whose dashboard mounted forward sensors immediately
detected an obstacle at point blank range. The vehicle cut hard right,
colliding with a tractor trailer. |