Evil Places #002
Point Carolton Lighthouse
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page: www.BlackjackSR.com] [BlackjackSRx@gmail.com] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1996-05-06

The residents of Port Carolton said Marcus Gavon was already insane when he bought and moved into an old lighthouse on the edge of a cliff overlooking the dark blue waters of the Atlantic. A former apprentice to the man explained how Marcus's hermetic power began to over run his ability to use it without causing damage to either himself and others. Although the brutal magical related murder of Marcus's wife did immediately precede his migration to the lighthouse, authorities were never able to build up enough evidence linking him to the death. After the move Marcus was never seen again.

The first individual to attempt to visit the Port Carolton Lighthouse, a year after Marcus's death, was Haas Dryson. Haas, a British mage specializing in forensics, specifically homicide, stayed for a little over an hour, finally emerging from the structure and informing his driver that Marcus was fine. Dead, but fine. In a later writing he bluntly explained that Marcus had taken his own life shortly after arriving and was spiritually trapped in the lighthouse. He explained that the ghost possessed much knowledge and would freely answer questions regarding hermetic magic. This resulted in a flood of magical "tourists" visiting the site. Most reported seeing nothing, while some spoke to, or claimed to have spoken to, the ghost of Marcus Gavon. A year after his writing Haas returned to the lighthouse, this time spending only five minutes, and emerging completely blind. Not wishing to spoil the influx of money the tourism generated the town of Port Carolton denied that the incident with Haas ever occurred. The tourists continued to come, though less and less claimed to have spoken with Marcus.

On the second anniversary of his wife's death a tour group of twenty professional and amateur magicians crowded into the lighthouse in search of the ghost. A violent storm rolled in from the west, blackening the sky, and began pounding the area with lightening and torrential rain. The tour bus driver was the only person to return that day. He stated seeing "evil flashes of light" emanate from within the light house followed by shrieks and screams. Then, in various states of disembowelment, the magicians began flowing from the structure. Zombie-like they staggered toward the cliff and one by one stepped off, plunging into the dark waters below.

Now perpetually enshrouded in storm the lighthouse, and the now ghost town of Port Carolton, are rarely visited by anyone. Only one individual has claimed to have seen Marcus in the years following the deaths. He says Marcus is doing well and was more than happy to answer the questions he presented. In addition, that is, to magically burning out his eyes.