Help Wanted #001
By Blackjack
Shadowrun Page:]
[] [@BlackjackSRx]
Tweeted: May, 2021
World renowned crime analyst Rozella Royston is looking for a guest for her Crime In The Shadows course at, huh, Stevenson's Community College. Ah, I see she's world renowned for being consistently wrong about pretty much everything, which explains the who community college gig. Anyway, it's a quick 1,000¥ to answer questions from a class taught by a woman who apparently believes crime is mostly caused by purple aliens disguised as mages paid discreetly by a Amazonia dragon that has been dead for over 20 years.
Mr. Nick is running into an extreme problem with shop lifters, but wants to keep the store inviting and is scared that a visible security presence may cause customers to turn away. The store? Nick's Knick Knacks, a home for every example what you can put in those little display slots in those hanging things that have always terrified me because I could probably be standing across the goddamn room from one of these and still manage to knock it off the wall. The problem: The store is essentially a warehouse open to the public, consisting of 10 50 x 50 meter stories, interconnected with a menagerie of stair cases, elevators and metalifts. Most of the sales are electronic and drones routinely whisk out to snag merchandise. But there is also a great deal of foot traffic, which is why keeping the shoplifter population down, especially now that RFID inhibitors are cheaper than ever, is important. For every shoplifter caught, a payment of 1,500¥ will be paid. Considering they're going to be handed over to the police, no beating the shit out of them.
Drug testing fun for profit! It requires someone with orthoskin and just involves showing up at a drug lab (middle of the dregs; not a straight up illegal operation but also one that doesn't exactly want to raise their banner) and slap on a newfangled AISA patch. And then try to shoot, run, calculate and communicate while tripping balls. Or, half balls as they tell me. The patch is supposed to release half the power but for twice as long and, most importantly, friggin end shortly after the patch is removed. Should only take a day or two, and 2,500¥ ain't bad.
If you're in the mood for a little deep sewer Undernet troubleshooting, the Collective is shelling out 50¥ an hour for general troubleshooting and maintenance of their router network and repairing minor damage from a recent Undernet microdrone strike. And, yeah, it's not much, but at best you're looking at a few sewer rats and the occasional rogue gang member to deal with. Runner escorts are also welcomed and but at the reduced rate of 25¥. Hey, this is a good chance to network and considering the routers are normally maintained by charity, getting paid at all is an anomaly.