People keep comin' on up and sayin' to me "Brumby, you are the Troll Shadowrunner
Philosopher, are you not?". And Brumby reply, "Yup." And dey say "How does
one become such a philosophical troll such as you are?". And I say "If
da sun shines through an outhouse roof you should probably go and fix da
roof." And they look all thoughtful and go away. I have no idea what it
mean when I say dat, I just know it makes dem go away.
And dat da big problem with da world. People just don't wanna go away
and leave you alone. I do not pretend to be all high and mighty and say
I do not do these things as well. I just think it funny. Most of people
getting pissed is resulting from dem just not going away. Nobody fight
if one fighter just go away. Nobody have war if everybody just go away
and leave enemy alone. Nobody have to wait in line and get all antsy if
they go away and find different eating place. But it is not good if I go
away and do not shadowrun because den I have no money to go to eatery to
get all antsy in line at. A troll gotta eat.
Speaking of eat, everything is so simple all by itself I wonder why
everything so darn chaosy. I figure we living things gotta do two things:
eat and go to toilet. If everybody just eat and go to toilet, everybody
be happy. People throw sex in der all da time. Brumby just think dey all
horny. Brumby tell them dat. Dey go away. |