Mr. Teeth
Archetype: Elf Showman
It’s bound to
happen every once in a while: Two toughs are going to choose the same
street name. It was Mr. Teeth who finally found a way to capitalize on
the issue, creating an entire underground fighting network dedicated to
resolving such conflicts. Flamboyant, eccentric and just plain loud, Mr.
Teeth reigns over the proceedings with energetic play by plays and enough
street cred that his fights can solidify the winner’s place as the name’s
true owner, while smashing the livelihood of the loser. Should he arrive
at your door with his thugs and a summons you to fight, the only other
choice is to get out of town and start rebuilding your rep from scratch.
Ork Thug
Intended more
for intimidation that throwing a punch, Bully does have an awesome
affinity for grappling and subduing. And while nobody is every physically
dragged to the completion, during a fight Bully and a few of his pals are
always at the exit, ready to toss a fighter back into the fray. He speaks
very little, dresses in a black armored suit, and carries a variety of
stun and gel weapons.
Human Mage Sorcerer
Some may
consider Spite little more than a human special effect and, well, those
people are right. While she does carry a combat spell or two, her main
purpose is to look flashy and menacing, while really casting downgraded
versions of Sparke. During a match, she will be found standing alongside
Mr. Teeth, occasionally tossing a power stunted Glitter spell into the
cage if things get too boring. She, too, wears a black armored suit and
carries an Ultra-Power should she ever need to do some actual damage.
Human Former Mercenary
Fury’s job is
to strip the contestants of any weapons or armor, minus armored clothing
(thank God) before they enter the arena. He is very outgoing and is
excellent at using etiquette and compassion to calm the contestant’s down
before a fight. Of only mediocre built, Fury will openly admit that most
his missions involved very little heavy lifting, as he primarily acted as
a weapons operator on gunships. Quick with a joke and a teaspoon of
sympathy, Fury still takes his mundane job seriously and deals with
reluctant or unruly contestants with a cattle-prod to the ass, delivered
swiftly by his reflex and agility modifications.
NAME] #1
Human Gang Member
A mediocre
gang member who suddenly found himself in the possession of a shit load of
money, #1 went right for the wired reflexes big time. Squirrely, cocky
and really, really fast, #1 has excellent melee combat skills, with
absolutely no muscle behind the hits. This stick figure likes to go for
low blows and quick shots to the face as he dances around like a freak. A
crowd favorite despite the fact that he’s lost a half dozen street names,
a single good punch is often enough to lay the fucker out.
NAME] #2
Troll Courier
Sometimes a
rare and wonderful thing occurs when three street types end up with the
same names at the same time. #2 is not a fighter. His sole purpose in
life is to ferry large and heavy objects from point A to point B in his
beat up Toyota Gopher. #2 isn’t exactly married to the name, has very
little street rep, and really just wants to win the fight so he doesn’t
have to change the name on his underwear tags. Extremely slow and not
especially bright, #2 just has faith that if he does land a punch, it’s
gonna hurt like hell. |