Blackjack's People #122
No Harm Done
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 2000-10-23


Archetype: Ork Former Mercenary

Sporting a name that isn't too consistent (but not to inconsistent) with his non-lethal demolition tactics, Warpath is an expert at blowing things up without hurting anybody. His wide array of detection cyberware is geared towards the sensing of life-forms, and he will not destroy an object, automobile, building, etc. without being absolutely sure that there isn't so much as a cat living inside of it. His demolition skills are also excellent at destroying a single object without harming others around it, such as blowing up a single row-house without even getting smoke in those adjacent to it. In addition to his cyberware, he'll also use less convention tactics just to verify that nobody's home, such as trying to call them on the phone.

Personalitywise, Warpath is 1000 pounds of wit in a 500 pound bag. He's very casual and sarcastic with his approaches, appearing as if he actually believes somebody won't mind if he blows up their home, so long as he asks them nicely. Warpath possesses very few skills outside of Demolitions and Etiquette and his additional cyberware and bioware is geared towards protecting him from explosive impacts should something go wrong.


Archetype: Elf Physical Adept

Scout's job is to physically enter locations and double check to make sure nobody's home before Warpath detonates the explosives. She also possesses sensory cyberware, including a simsense recorder, although her status as a magical initiate has more than made up for the loss of magic. All of Scout's adept powers and skills revolve around speed and athletics and her light frame allows her to easily navigate through windows, air ducts, and other tight spaces. While she couldn't wire up an explosive if her life depended on it, she is well versed in electronics and lock-picking.

Scout's body and mind are constantly on fast-forward, preventing her from staying still or quiet for more than a few split seconds. She also occasionally snorts a bit of coke (much to Warpath's dismay), thus turning her into a blinding whirlwind of movement and words. Conversations with her always end up in the revelation of way too much of her personal information (primarily revolving around promiscuity).


Archetype: Human Former Mercenary

Plodge is metabolically opposite of Scout, meaning that he takes forever to do anything and talks in a slow slur. He is primarily responsible for the advance preparation of explosives, a job that suits his 'take your time' attitude perfectly. Possessing two cyberarms installed with a variety of micro-tools and a skillchip collection that includes info on every explosive in existence, Plodge can wire just about anything, although getting him to scout the site can be a bit of a trick. Usually he relies on information brought to him by Warpath or Scout and simply constructs the explosives based on this info (especially the simsense data brought back by Scout).

Visually, Plodge would be a god if he bothered to maintain his appearance at all. He is naturally muscular, even though he never exercises, and has maintained handsome features despite the fact that he passes out on his face a lot. Plodge and Scout have a periodic sexual relationship that usually involves Plodge just laying there while Scout goes to town.


Archetype: Dwarf Rigger

An fairly accomplished rigger considering her age of 18, Kritter rarely has to drive very quickly with very much complexity because Warpath always plans an excellent, yet casual getaway. With little more to do but sit around in her Landrover and eat, Kritter has become quite round, often having difficulty getting out of the vehicle. She received her name because of her tendency to adopt animals that have been displaced because of her group's actions. Her apartment cat population alone is 22.