Cuban Cigar Cammy

Archetype: Human Garbage Collector

Cuban Cigar Cammy (“Triple C” for short) looks more like an extremely large man than a woman. In fact, there’s more than one rumor floating around her collection unit that she is, in fact, a man, although nobody has been adventurous enough to test the validity of this theory. In any case, Cammy (who is actually of Jamaican, no Cuban, descent) is one of the roughest, toughest collectors you’ll ever see riding on the back running board of an Ares TrashMaster. While she is utterly ruthless when it comes to dealing with garbage cans, in conversation she is extremely pleasant, although some people find her deep, gritty voice and baritone laugh more than a little bit unnerving. When not working the cans, she usually hangs out in her rather large C district house, a 3 story structure filled from basement to roof with various objects found in her refuse laden journeys.

Cammy also has a rather gruesome side job: She delivers bodies found in various trash oriented containers to local underground chop shops for processing. (You didn’t think all those people you dumped in the alley went to a landfill, did you? Don’t be an idiot.) In addition, she receives bonuses if any of the bodies happen to contain any recoverable cyber or body wear. Any external paraphernalia, such as guns or jewelry, she either pawns or keeps herself. While this may seem like a rather heartless activity, Cammy does have a redeeming factor: If you’re not dead yet, she’ll help you get better. The number of lives she’s actually saved probably equals the number of bodies she’s hauled off to the shop.


Archetype: Troll Garbage Collector

Unfortunately, not all collectors are as nice as Cammy when it comes to finding injured people in piles of refuse. Stitch, a gargantuan mess of tattoos and scars, is more than happy to ‘end the suffering’ of any survivors he happens to come across. His personal TrashMaster contains a hidden compartment large enough to fit two corpses - or one thrashing, viable body. Since Stitch gets a bonus for bringing in bodies that have only recently been voided of life, he tends to keep his passenger alive as long as possible, usually ending their life just blocks away from the chop shop by opening a small port between the cab and the compartment and firing in a few shotgun rounds.

The Can Man

Archetype: Dwarf Garbage Collector

The unfortunate result of incest, Can Man experiences an extreme degree of cognitive difficulties, and can do little more than follow his daily regiment of trash collecting. However, Can Man has the amazing trait of being able to remember everything he’s ever seen in his entire life, although getting him to express this information usually requires a masters degree in Psychology due to his extensive association of language with trash related symbols. Those able to communicate with him effectively can learn pretty much everything that he’s ever seen in his 20 year old life.

Can Man is often courted by the police for information regarding area crimes or disturbances. During these times, he is given heavy police protection on his trash route (he refuses to go to a safehouse), although this protection always vanishes once Can Man has finished testifying in court.