Archetype: Street Kid
Thirteen years old with dirty blond hair
to her shoulders. She is super skittish and will cringe when anybody makes a
sudden hand movement. She despises weapons and will cover her ears and scream if
a fire fight erupts.
Sandy and her friends saw something they shouldn't have.
They are too frightened to speak about it but whatever it is they have
been running from it for three years now. Is it a corp? A spirit? Whatever
it is has these kids absolutely petrified.
Archetype: Street Kid
Jerimiah is fourteen although he looks three or four years
older. He was dark eyes which seem to express pure fear. He is practically
in a state of terrified psychosis and will sometimes drift into a near
comatose state, from which he erupts screaming.
Jerimiah is almost completely lost. The years on the road
have been very hard on him and his mind and he is on a suicidal borderline.
Sandy might be the only thing keeping him from losing it completely, occasionally
taking him aside and talking him down from his state.
Archetype: Street Kid
Twelve and very forward. He is usually
the first one to introduce himself it a rare social situation arises. From that
point on he will grill the individual for every bit of useful information he or
she has. Most people just blow him off, however, due to his age and non imposing
Ben does not get along well with Sandy or Jerimiah because
he actually wants to confront whatever is chasing them. Sandy can usually
talk him down and has made him promise not to mention their problem to
any one they meet. Odds are if whatever they are running from ever finds
him he would rather fight, and possibly die, than keep up the chase.