Blackjack's People #109
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 2000-04-24


Archetype: Human Mercenary

Five foot ten, one forty pounds. He has military cropped hair and a patch over his right eye. When he is seen he is almost always in dress and carries a very visible (and very big) Savelette Guardian.

Carbine is very calm and very professional in virtually all situations. Rumor has it that he lost his eye while giving orders via telecomm when a sniper shot him across the face. He did not so much as change pitch as he calmly finished the orders before lobbing a grenade at the attacker. He is a pistol and SMG expert, also specializing in electronic surveillance. He is the leader of the Diamondbacks.


Archetype: Dwarven Mercenary

Gruff and rough, rarely clean and never shaven Slovak always says what's on his mind and never, ever plays dress up. He is rarely seen in public because, as he says, "I can't carry my big gun out there".

Slovak is the loose cog in the otherwise smooth running machinery of the Diamondback operation. Usually he just hangs out in the group's van, or "Slovak's cage" as they call it, and oils his medium machine gun. The only real duty he sees is grounds patrol or backup.


Archetype: Elven Mercenary

Devine is a very butch looking female elf and at first sight is sometimes mistaken as a man. She hardly ever speaks but when she does it is in a low, reserved voice.

Divine specializes in rifles and is also in charge of keeping the Diamondback's electronic gadgetry in tact. She also drives the unit's vehicle.


Archetype: Troll Mercenary

Rather gentle looking. For a Troll. He has dark skin and smokes expensive imported cigarettes. He never speaks except when absolutely necessary.

While in the military, Levell served as general infantry, got shot up, and was released due to a slight case of PTSD. He is very good at taking orders and does whatever Carbine says. Contrary to stereotype, Levell is best at pistol and rifle combat and has not fired a heavy weapon since his time in the military. (He appears to have a psychological aversion to them.) Levell almost always accompanies Carbine during dress duty and his non imposing statue transforms into something down right scary looking when he straps on an SMG.