Blackjack's People #103
Decking For Drugs
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 2000-01-31


Archetype: Human Decker

Flagg's aggressive decking style gets him into trouble but it has also earned him a decent degree of success and respect in the matrix. Unfortunately almost all of the money he nets from corporate security jobs, shadowruns, or simple theft is blown on his heavy BTL habit. He is aggressive in person as well and becomes quickly annoyed with just about everybody. Flagg is also prone to sudden outbursts of violence due to a side effect of a BTL he once chipped.


Archetype: Human Decker

Naive and awkward in the real world, Gimmix (with the help of Flagg) also became addicted to BTLs and is now used simply as a source of cash to support both of their habits. Gimmix has no backbone and, although he really would like to get into some kind of rehab program, is scared to stop chipping because of what Flagg might do to him.