Blackjack's People #102
Little Cage Of Fear
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 2000-01-17


Archetype: Human Gang Leader

Quite ugly. Hideously ugly. Most of her teeth are missing, the rest are twisted and chipped. Her hair only grows from a few spots on her greasy scalp. She cackles, not laughs, and spits when she talks. She gives the impression of being completely irrational and insane. Probably because that's what she is.

Desmona hates people in general. She hates herself even more. She "gets off" by scaring the shit out of people. She will go berserk if she sees a pretty girl and immediately try to mess her up. For this reason she is usually kept in the hide out by her fellow gang members.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Attractive yet frightening. He has a knack for doing unexpected and drastic things that freak people out. He has long black hair and completely black cybereyes. He has cyberware in his face that allows him to make grotesque expressions. His psychotic laugh is not one easily forgotten.

Very good with fear inducing chemicals and special effects. He has cyberware which can pump fear inducing substances directly through his skin. His favorite tactic is the "kiss of fear", during which he pumps an extremely large amount of chemicals directly into the victim's mouth. Usually within ten minutes the victim commits some auto lethal action.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

A magical burn out. He is missing his right arm and has had it replaced with a wirery device which resembles a untwisted hanger, only it seems to be able to move all by itself. He is skinny and tall and often has broken a bone. His face is skinny, long, and hollow. His eyes sunken in.

Sleepain never sleeps. And he is dying from it. He has nearly lost his mind and has found a way to enter a person's dreams through astral form, usually for the reason of giving them horrid nightmares. Through this action he has created Slash and Slach, two others who also cannot sleep anymore and whom he has recruited into the gang.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Basically a street kid. He is five foot ten yet only weighs about eighty five pounds. He is also dying from lack of sleep. He has found that his appearance can cause terrible fear in others and, like a pair of spindly specters, he and Slach stalk at night looking for people to frighten.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Slach still looks mildly healthy, even though his skin has almost lost all its color. He likes to play with guns and has blown three holes in his own body in non lethal places which were haphazardly patched up and which still leak blood from time to time.


Archetype: Troll Gang Member

A very big and very evil looking man. He wears a long coat covered with the bones of animals, some still with flesh rotting on them. He wears mirrored sunglasses all the time. His voice is deep and menacing and can be boosted by his cyberware to thunder at a deafening tone.

Dark likes to scare people with guns, even though he'd still be terrifying if all he held was a feather duster. He's a crack shot with low caliber pistols, usually holding one in both hands and laughing loudly while he picks away at his target at non lethal locations. When he's done playing he simply rips off the person's head.

Dream Defiled

Archetype: Elven Gang Member

Very beautiful and gentle looking, she doesn't seem like she would be part of this type of gang. Basically, she's the bait. And a measure for contrast. Through the use of low level manipulation spells she gets the victim into such a calm and non fearful state that when the rest of the group steps in a not uncommon effect is a heart attack - which the gang will bring them back from so they can give them another one.