Blackjack's People #095
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1999-10-11

Martin Samuel Dennison

Archetype: Human Mayoral Candidate

Martin has everything it takes to be a mayor: Experience, charisma, intelligence, and a payroll list as long as the Mississippi River. Behind Martin's boyish, friendly, and likable appearance is a madman who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of being elected. He carefully targets each opposing candidate and then proceeds to systematically destroy their lives. Or simply kill them. It depends on what kind of mood he's in at the time.

Kimberly Alexis

Archetype: Elven Campaign Manager

Since Martin can't really dirty his hands by directly supervising his vile operations he has placed young Kimberly Alexis in charge of such things. Kimberly was Martin's mistress while his wife was still alive (the causes behind Mary Dennison's death are still a mystery), during which time he destroyed her personality and ability to express anything resembling free will in addition to hiring a former Johnson to train her in the art of street negotiations. She never leaves her secret office located in a slimy hotel room in the barrens and or accepts no information as being true unless it comes from Martin's own mouth. Also, just in case, Martin had her installed with a cortex bomb so powerful that a portion of her brain was removed in order to make room for it. Kimberly is only 21.


Archetype: Human Terrorist Physical Adept

McGreeze would have become an old fashion mass murderer if Martin hadn't taken him in and given him some direction in which he could expel his unexplained rage. He is a master of disguise and brutality and can use virtually any object given to him as an incredibly lethal weapon. McGreeze has also undergone various degrees of initiation, pushing his Adept powers, which solely revolve around quickness and stealth, to an insane level. In one instance he was assigned to take out an opposing candidate located in a hospital. He entered the room, and tore the woman apart with a scalpel with such speed that, as he exited, he was able to catch the room door which had not yet had a chance to fully swing closed.

Blue Chip

Archetype: Human Assassin

Blue Chip formerly worked for a special forces unit in the Aztlan military until he got into an argument with his commanding officer and, to make a long story short, shot him in the face with a automatic pistol. Blue Chip, a tall Hispanic man in his early forties, is easily irritated and tends to lock onto his given mission, often ignoring orders to abort. If there is any weak link in Martin Dennison's chain, Blue Chip is it. Also working against him is the fact that he has a death warrant issued against him by Aztlan, and if a bounty hunter doesn't get him the special undercover unit dispatched from his home country probably will.


Archetype: Elven Street Samurai

Not your stereotypical elf, Hamlet has shaved off all of his hair and taken to dressing like a jungle oriented gorilla freedom fighter. He specializes in SMGs, having at least one of every one available, and customizes them to the point that they often end up resembling assault rifles because of all the crap he stacks on the barrel. Hamlet, and whoever he can pay to run with him, handles the lower end operations involving simple annihilation and general havoc. He appears to have no morals what so ever, which is incredibly frightening when you consider the fact that he has an eight year old son.


Archetype: Human Decker

Working out of various hotel rooms at which he never spends more than one night, Gol is a master at file manipulation, his activities being isolated to destroying people's backgrounds or creating new ones. Visually he looks like a wage slave dweeb, possessing little height or weight and wearing geeky horn rimmed glasses. He has no weapons skills whatsoever and if confronted physically will simply whimper and try to run away. He will not, however, reveal any information unless subjected to extreme torture.