Maans Goodfellow

Archetype: Human Terrorist

Maans is a six foot five, heavily built, middle aged, white hared male with several unfortunate psychological problems. He is a manic depressant schizophrenic who is also loaded with neuroses ranging from the inability to shower during a thunderstorm to the inability to drive towards the sunset because he believes the sun will land on his car. Basically, this guy is completely wacko. His philosophical beliefs change from day to day and whether he is supporting governmental bio testing, or is against it, he always backs up his current view with a large sniping rifle and an equally large amount of plastic explosives. His followers stay loyal simply out of the fear of what he might do to them if they try to leave.


Archetype: Human Terrorist

Once simply a peaceful political activist Temple, the young, long hared, hippie looking individual, made the mistake of hooking up with Maans at a convention. Although his primary job is simply driving the getaway car, Temple is occasionally forced by Maans to commit violent acts of terrorism through threats to his life. Due to this Temple has acquired a rather heavy drinking habit and although he has managed to stay sober during most of his operations, he is slipping deeper and deeper into the grip of alcoholism and near suicidal guilt as a result of his actions.


Archetype: Ork Terrorist

Fist almost resembles a human although genetically he is still ork. He has long black hair, green eyes, and speaks with a deep Irish accent. Fist hooked up with Maans after he was given a promise that the majority of their actions would be guided toward the removal of the elven aristocracy from his homeland. Maans never carried through with his promise and after Fist was severely injured shortly after they met, had him fixed up and installed with a cortex bomb. Fist is border line losing it and uses BTLs heavily to ease his anger and anxiety. It is only a matter of time before he cracks and either takes Maans out or is taken out himself.