
Archetype: Elven Former Street Samurai

Underground has thrown off the stereotypical image of the snobby, stuck up elf in exchange for an existence beneath the streets. He lives in the basement of an apartment building where he has a secret entrance to the sewers. His small dwelling is filled with hard back books and data chips and other scholarly things. Underground, first and fore most, is a philosopher and enjoys discussing anything of importance to himself or whom he is speaking with. When asked why he lives like this he responds, "sometimes we need to be humbled". Underground is also hiding from a vindictive street cop named Tyler, who's partner was killed in the crossfire between Underground and a gang member.


Archetype: Street Cop

Sworn enemy of Underground. The moment Tyler saw his partner's heart explode as it was punctured by a Predator round, he has assigned the sole reason of his most valued friends death to Underground's very existence. He is a thread away from insanity, and although he is still a member of the police department this preoccupation will soon cost him his job. Most of Tyler's waking hours are spent gathering information about Underground, tracking his movements, and waiting for exactly the right moment to pounce, and kill.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Mudpuddle is Underground's philosophical side kick and the two often entertain small crowds with their Abbot and Costello type bantering, which always seems to go nowhere but inevitably come to a wise, and very down to earth point. Mudpuddle is also the member of a small, nonviolent gang called the Pudgies, with which Underground has absolutely no association.