Sweet Dreams

Archetype: Human Former Corporate Scientist

While working for a corporation in a remote section of Africa, one of Dream's (he was then known as Dr. Kensington) viral experiments was accidentally released into the population of a local village. This resulted in four hundred and sixty people contracting the virus, known as Phys3, the effects of which are devastating. The virus eliminated their victim's ability to move any voluntary muscle but left their minds fully in tact. Rather than research a cure or help the villagers in some other way the corporation, in the interest of suppressing the incident before the media heard of it, ordered the quiet elimination of all afflicted. This was to be carried out through a non painful lethal injection. Dreams carried out the order but soon afterwards experienced a mental breakdown. He was allowed to retire from the corporation with the understanding that he would spend the rest of his life on a remote corporate owned island. He remained there for two years during which he did a lot of soul searching, perhaps too much, and realized the ultimate insignificance of life and, more importantly, the burden those who can not contribute to this life places on the structure of society. He quickly forgot his hand in creating the initial crisis in Africa and came to the conclusion that his "mercy" killings were in the right. He escaped the island in 2051 and retreated into the urban maze.

Sweet Dreams is now in his early fifties, is short and is rapidly losing his remaining hair. Through the successful anonymous acquisition of his rather large amount wealth he has established an underground organization devoted to putting the infirm and severely crippled out of their misery, whether they like it or not. Although he primarily uses good old Cyanide he has developed many less conspicuous concoctions, most of which kill the victim in their sleep. He rarely goes on the killings himself but always plans them and provides the instruments for the victim's destruction.


Archetype: Human Former Corporate Soldier

Kat was with Dreams during the village elimination in Africa and also left the corporation, although more violently. They hooked up soon after Dream's escape and now Kat, also mentally messed up by the incident, carries out a majority of the killings. She shows very little emotion, to the point that she will even take on missions involving children, and grits her teeth so hard some often break off and have to be replaced. Clumsy with anything larger than a pistol, Kat prefers a tactic of stealth and quickness, slipping up walls and windows with tremendous agility. She still possesses an advanced form fitting combat suit with color changing fibers and thermo absorption as well a variety of high tech accessories geared towards climbing. Kat has extremely short hair and the nasty habit of chain smoking filterless cigarettes while working.


Archetype: Human Street Samurai

When Dreams went looking for additional support for his operations, Manna was eager to sign up. She hates just about everybody and was just looking for any reason at all to make people die. Although annoyed that Dream's techniques lack the degree of violence she would like she is still pleased as punch to carry out his vile whims. Heavily into body piercing and self mutilation it is nearly impossible to see the beauty Manna once possessed under the ugly shroud of hanging metal and scarring. Although still, technically, hired on a temporary basis, the high pay will probably keep her around for a while.


Archetype: Human Decker

Although not especially pleased with Dream's activities, Zynthium still gathers information on potential victims from hospital and care home computer systems. Zynthium never comes in direct contact with the group, operating solely out of his luxury apartment and delivering the info via the matrix. Rather weak willed and frightened of losing his cushy life, Zynthium would probably cut himself off from Dreams if things got too rough.