Blackjack's People #067
Heavy Exposure
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1998-09-14

Mac JayBird

Archetype: Human Reporter

Mac is a very uncharismatic individual in both the physical and social sense. His face is hideously ugly, almost deformed and he is handicapped by an obvious hunch. These conditions ruined his chances at becoming the reporter he always wanted to be and Mac has since become cynical and bitter at pretty much anybody. He is constantly out to show the world that he is a better reporter than everybody else by taking incredible risks to get the story. Although he has managed to sell his material to a number of trid stations they always end up using his story and his footage, but never him, in the broadcast. This has only elevated his anger and motivated him to take even more risks, hoping that maybe some day he'll get a story he can use to get a contract.

Martha Mays

Archetype: Human Trid Camera Person

Martha, a young, red headed former socialite, was once a camera person at her father's station. Finally her snobbish and spoiled demands for an anchor position pushed him to the point that he fired her. Now she goes on high risk shoots with Mac, not for the reason of earning a reputation and getting back into the business, but for the purpose of causing her father an extremely high degree of anxiety.

Elliot Roper

Archetype: Human Trid Editor

Roper, an over weight and odor enhanced male in his early twenties, was kicked out of broadcasting school due to an unfortunate tendency of altering footage and time codes in order to make the story appear better than it really was. Mac and Martha have also forbidden him from doing this and for the most part Roper just hangs out in the group's van, drinking beer, committing acts of flatulence, and slapping together the footage they hand him.