Archetype: Human Street Samurai
If there was such a thing as a street knight, Arthur would
be it. He holds close a code similar to that of chivalry. He uses no modern
weapons but is extremely skilled with a broadsword. Extremely. He will
go out of his way to make things "right", putting himself at
extreme personal risk for the sake of honor and revenge. He will often
hire on additional runners to help him in his missions, insisting they
closely follow his personal code of conduct. Normally he dresses like everyone
else. While running, however, he wears an armor suit which resembles those
of long ago only it is smaller and made out of less noisy, high tech kevlar/steel
plates. He is well known on the street, and feared. Most realize that to
shoot Arthur would disgrace themselves. For this reason they end up either
running away or hand to hand fighting to their death.
Archetype: Human Shaman
Authur's second in command. As with all of the group (minus
Dragon) she adheres to the rules of chivalry. Gueneveve handles most of
the groups negotiations and also acts as the groups fixer and Mr. Johnson.
She is primarily a healer, with only a few combat spells, and her purpose
in combat is to help those who have been unjustly injured.
Archetype: Human Rigger
Unlike the rest of the group, Lancelot
actually believes that he is in Camelot. This psychoses, however, does not mean
he is irrational or stupid. Lancelot operates normally in society with the
exception of constantly using old English and continually mumbling about the
damn crusades. Lancelot's, and the groups, primary vehicle is a Ares Dragon,
with a variety of vans as backups. Lancelot's personal vehicle is a motor cycle
with, you guessed it, a retractable lance.....and a machine gun. Told you he
wasn't stupid.
Archetype: Human Decker
Dragon doesn't especially care for the "fantasy land"
Arthur and the rest of the group are living in and plans to get out soon.
Although he plays the professional, Dragon is basically a slime bucket.
He has screwed over three other shadowrunning groups already and would
not mind adding another to the list.