
Archetype: Human Gang Leader

His bald head is still scarred and scabbed over from the day he suddenly went berserk and ripped out all of his hair. He has also managed to bite his tongue and a few of his fingers off. He never talks but makes all kinds of strange squeaking noises when excited. Thrice actually demands to be put in a straight jacket from time to time to keep from fatally injuring himself.


Archetype: Elven Gang Member

Dya's primary occupation is keeping Thrice from killing himself or anybody else. She has a very dominating personality and it is sometimes ambiguous who is in charge, her or Thrice. She is deadly at hand to hand combat and is a crack shot with a heavy pistol. All of her moves are somewhat sudden, from fighting to drinking coffee. Although perfectly in control of herself (and most everybody else) she does not give off that appearance.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Bramble is a Thrice wanna be and although medically he is perfectly sane he will occasionally go into a berserk state just for the hell of it. Dya can usually bring him down by whacking him in the face. Bramble is clumsy, horrible in social situations (even those found in gang environments) and is careless with the large amounts of explosives he has in his possession. Most expect that someday he will simply end up blowing himself up.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Thrice's twin brother, they are nearly opposite as far as personalities go. Quince wants out of the gang but is both concerned for his brother and terrified at what his brother might do if he departs. Quince is heavily into BTLs, coming out of his oblivion only when he needs to fight. During combat he is still a little out there and is easily confused by too much action.