Blackjack's People #049
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1998-01-05

Edmund Fraggle

Archetype: Human Sweatshop Owner

For anyone unaware, a "sweatshop" is an underground factory where people, usually illegal immigrants and the like, work for little pay under terrible conditions for long hours with no benefits. Edmund Fraggle owns such a shop, devoted to manufacturing cheap weapon imitations, and runs it with an iron fist. If his employees do not follow every one of his 129 Ethics Of Employment they are either fired, docked of pay, beaten, or worse. He's rather pathetic looking, short, bald, overweight, but has a squad of thugs more than willing to do his dirty work for him.

Delta G. Hurt

Archetype: Ork Thug

Delta looks like a rock with arms and legs and something resembling a head. She is frighteningly ugly and frighteningly big and strong and just plain frightening. She is very rarely assigned to any "rule enforcement" activities due to her unfortunate tendency to break her victim into little pieces even when simply escorting them out of the building. Mainly she just stands around and looks scary.


Archetype: Human Thug

A fairly good bouncer before he acquired a rather nasty BTL habit, Oakland now takes his life-oriented frustrations out of whomever Edmund tells him to. Oakland is rather big and would probably be considered overweight if it wasn't for the fact that all of his bulk is muscle. He likes to talk about his miserable life while preforming his duties as well: "So she said (smack) that I was too lazy (whack). Can you believe that (pound)? Yeah (pummel), neither can I (smash)."

Deric Soloman

Archetype: Human Undercover Cop

Deric has been attempting to build up enough evidence to successfully bust Edmund's operations but with nobody willing to testify against him, and no hard core proof of anything but weapons violations, he's having a tough time. Once very "by the book", Deric's convictions are beginning to waver as he sees more and more atrocities being committed. He is receiving no support from his precinct and the thought of calling in some shadowy support to take care of business is slowly beginning to solidify in his mind.