Blackjack's People #047
Liquid Braino
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1997-12-08


Archetype: Ork Drug Smuggler

Hershey got his name as a result of his tendency to smuggle drugs concealed within chocolate products. His primary mode of transport is a large tanker truck which is usually filled with a chocolate drug mixture called Liquid Braino, sort of a hallucinogenic alcohol with a chocolate flavoring and no resulting hangover. It is very cheap and is popular within squatter communities whose residents eagerly await the trucks arrival, cups and their scarce money in hand. Hershey feels no guilt over the hardships his drug can cause, although he is quite friendly and enjoyable to be around.


Archetype: Troll Guard

Tonfa secretly hates Hershey but is still fairly loyal because the pay is good. Of both African and Asian background, Tonfa's dress is an odd mixture of various ethnic clothing. When not guarding or bitching about Hershey, Tonfa is usually playing cards with Liar, losing quite badly most of the time.


Archetype: Troll Guard

The closest a troll can get to looking like Elvis, Liar is a pretty big sleaze ball, cheating in everything he does and lying about everything he doesn't. Liar is fairly brutal as a guard, knocking around squatters like they were nothing when they get too close to the truck, even going so far as to apathetically shoot a few of them when they get out of hand.