Blackjack's People #045
Omelion Vaz
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1997-11-10


Archetype: Human Gang Leader

Very short, almost little people like, but frightening in his own strange way. He has nails imbedded in his face and is loaded down with obvious and disfiguring cyberware. He rarely stands or walks and remains, for the most part, mounted on his throne of twisted steel and car parts.

Omelion is nearly insane with essence loss and has made it his job to make everyone else feel the same way he does. All of his members are cybered to an extreme, and are nearly nuts as well, spending their time kidnapping innocent people and "integrating" them into their system of cyberware. He and all of his members are also skilled in decking and travel in the matrix as a pack of dented and mauled cyber wolves, "gang banging" others on the matrix. He and his gang members speak their own language which requires a special cyber modulator to speak and which sounds metallic and strangely musical. Most of their names are in this language and are nearly impossible to speak by "normals".


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Completely chromed from head to toe, he wears no clothing and is polished to a blinding shine. I'm serious. No skin is visible. Even with all of his cyber mods he still walks with odd smoothness and speaks with an eerie child's voice, although he is five foot eleven.

Sixavixl is the most altered out of the entire gang and gives the impression of sanity even though his mind is in complete chaos. He will occasionally snap and sit and scream for days on end. He is actually only twelve and has had his body "expanded" in every way.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Vixizilax has her forehead lined with chip and data jacks and her nose has been completely removed and replaced with a hideous olfactory booster. She has a small plume of blond hair extending from the middle of her wire laced head. Her right arm is a stump with a gun pointing out of the end. She only speaks in the gang's language and glares at everybody with her strangely out of place normal eyes.

Vixizilax has probably killed more people than any one else in the gang. She is a cold blooded killer and when she puts her gaze on you odds are she's thinking of twenty ways each second to make you dead.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Five foot five and covered with external cybernetic devices which visibly penetrate his skin and leak fluids and blood from the edges. His eyes are chromed, he froths at the mouth, constantly twirls around his gun, and scrapes away at his skin with razors.

Another nut. His fighting style is to just jump on his victim and rip him or her apart with his claws and the many other objects which pop from his body and twist and pull and poke and tear.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Probably the prettiest of the bunch, Sax has four cyber limbs and a cyber plate on his forehead. His chest is very muscular and devoid of cyberware. His back, however has strange steel plates running down his spine.

Sqaxvizzixal is extremely fast and extremely powerful and extremely anal about not making a mess. He actually has his own place and life separate of the rest of his gang's filth. He can be just as fucked up as the rest though with it comes to battle.


Archetype: Human Gang Member

Something on Qax is usually broken which usually leaves him limping or stuttering or with a big nervous twitch. He has had all of his cyberware covered with very fake looking skin which is oddly rippled and occasionally rips open.

Qax is quite rational and appears to be a wuss when compared to the rest of the gang's rather direct tactics. He usually stays back away from the action and comments. He also occasionally goes into "the real world" and pokes around, but is usually forced back underground when something on his rips or breaks.


Archetype: Troll Gang Member

Very, very scary. Vaz has an assault cannon instead of a right arm and has had his head altered so when he opens his mouth his entire head tips back instead of the jaw going down. He is quite ugly and has very bulky cyber limbs which make an audible sound when they move.

Although the assault cannon looks impressive, every time he fires it his cyber arm bracing wants to tear away. For this reason he usually just uses a very large, custom made SMG he holds in the other hand. Vaz, strangely, is also one of the more talkative members of the gang, usually because he just likes to see people's reaction when his head flips up. He also carries the victims back to base after combat.

Hack Hack

Archetype: Human Cybertechnician

Hack Hack has absolutely no cyberware visible and is a very down to earth individual, able to come up with a semi rational excuse for everything the gang does.

Hack Hack performs all alterations on the gang members and their victims and has a very up to date cyber and medical facility. He is also able to construct many of his own devices which he tries out on his gang's victims.