Blackjack's People #040
Wisdom Of The Aged
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1997-09-01

[2018 Note: This actually appears to be two Blackjack's People entries that got smooshed together.  I've decided, fuck it, let it ride]


Archetype: Elven Mage

Finley was the victim of a virus which causes people to age at an accelerated rate. He is one of the few (or the only) elves who actually looks aged. For this reason he has been shunned by the elven community and, in turn, has developed much resentment for his own race. He is beginning to develop Alzheimer's disease and will occasionally drift off on a sad memory. He devotes most of his time to searching for a magical cure for his ailment. Finley also offers magical assistance services, mostly astral, as he does not have the endurance to commit to an actual run.


Archetype: Elven Mage

Delina acts as part nurse and part girlfriend to Finley. When not shadowrunning or caring for Finley she is usually engaged in a desperate search for the cure to his disease. She has been seriously injured twice while attempting to steal information from megacorporations regarding the disease. It is uncertain who will meet the grave first, her or Finley.

John Froth

Archetype: Troll Pedestrian

A neighbor. Fearful of Finley's disease. Always attempting to get him evicted. Froth, himself, is a drunkard and miscreant and if anybody should be evicted from anywhere it should be him.

Bob Koopman

Archetype: Ork Landlord

The landlord. Doesn't really care about what is going on but will evict Finley if things get too ugly. After all it's his business to rent apartments, not care.