Blackjack's People #039
Sewer Rats
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1997-08-18


Archetype: Ork Gang Leader

If Foles wasn't such an evil son of a bitch he could have run for office. He has a strange, almost magical charisma which draws people into his words despite his outwardly shabby appearance. He is bald and his a goatee which almost touches his perfectly symmetrical fangs.

Foles is a born leader and his followers have complete faith in him. He is also very intelligent and plans his gang activities in much the same way a military general would. His members are never expendable and he cares for each one as if they were his children. He is always where the action is during a confrontation and knows when to fight and when to retreat.


Archetype: Ork Gang Member

Foles's right hand man, Dank is always with him. He dresses closer to the style of a samurai than to that of a gang member and uses many of the same weapons and techniques.

Dank is a walking underworld data store and possesses information on the layout of a majority of the Seattle sewers and countless secret entrances to the ork underground. He also acts as Foles's body guard.


Archetype: Troll Gang Member

Big and mean, Lither is constantly pissed off and he looks it. He carries a grenade launcher on him at all times which he has named Betty II and which he talks to.

Ever since he lost his first grenade launcher, Betty, while retreating from a fight, Lither has been in a bad mood. That was back in 45'. His grenade launcher is his only weapon and he has developed various kinds of custom rounds for it which include some that release poison gas and various acids.


Archetype: Ork Gang Member

Grate is suffering from a grotesque skin deformity which causes him to constantly leak ooze from his pores. He spits a lot when he speaks and talks with a guttural voice. He loves his slimed state and will do his best to get it all over anyone he is around. He will also occasionally drink the ooze just to gross people out even more.

Grate is unable to use any firearms due to his skin disorder jamming the mechanisms and has become skilled in the use of hand weapons, especially a large neanderthallish club. He is also surprisingly nimble and can run and maneuver at high speeds, leaving splatters of slime behind.


Archetype: Troll Gang Member

Druth has had his skin color altered to resemble the pattern of a sewer wall. He is a mute and stands or sits perfectly still when no movement is necessary. He can walk through the sewers without making a sound.

It is a rather frightening sight when Druth first fires his grenade launcher, usually unexpectedly coming out of his silent state to wreak explosive havoc. He also specializes in plastic explosives and has reportedly blown entirely new tunnel connections within the sewer system.


Archetype: Troll Toxic Shaman

Slath looks like a walking trash can. His armor actually has plates from them. He is wretched, smelly and talks to no one but his ally.

Slath showed up in the Sewer Rats layer one day and just never left. It is almost comical the way he was wordlessly integrated into the system and pretty much allowed the run of the place. Slath assists the rest of the gang when he feels like it, but usually acts like a form of security around the lair.


Archetype: Ally

Ruiner's body consists of a stainless steel Hell Hound statue. He will attempt to tear apart anyone who stands within three feet of his master. Slath treats Ruiner very well and the possibility of him wanting to leave is slim.


Archetype: Ork Toxic Shaman

Watl pretty much thinks he's a rat. He has had surgery which has covered his body with rat looking hair and has even had whiskers implanted. He talks in a squeaky, annoying voice.

At times it actually appears as if Watl is controlled by rats and not the other way around. He will have episodes when he just crawls around the hideout for days with Veepers, apparently convinced of his rat status. His movements are quick and nervous and when Watl speaks his lack of education is apparent.


Archetype: Devil Rat

Veepers is Watl's pet. He has been trained to do simple things such as scout ahead and emit a squeak if there is an enemy and can call on other rats to wreak havoc during a retreat and slow the enemy's progress.