Blackjack's People #034
One Way Ticket
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1997-06-09

Simon Simon

Archetype: Human Pilot

Simon is nearly sixty years old although he doesn't appear to be a day over forty. His personality parallels that of a ferret on crack and he never needs more than two hours of sleep a night. His "airline" is only partially funded by clients and is supported mostly by an extremely large fortune he accumulated through earlier business actions. He operates a small fleet of scaled down orbital and sub orbital craft and operates primarily for the sake of adventure. For a very, very high price he, or one of his other semi psychotic pilots, will provide orbital or sub orbital transportation anywhere in the world. Ok, not anywhere. He won't touch down in the middle of a London business district, for example. But one of his more suicidal pilots would be more than happy to land on a nearby expressway. Simon's company, Bye Bye Airlines, operates out of more than a dozen hidden air fields, at least one of which a year is seized or destroyed by some kind of government agency. The company also tends to go through pilots and aircraft like they were popcorn. But this all ties in with Simon's "you can't take it with you" philosophy and he looks forward to the day he can die in a fireball above some heavily defended destination.


Archetype: Human Pilot

Formerly a military sub orbital pilot, Dover popped a bad BTL on shore leave a few years back and now spends most of his time growing his facial hair out another foot and contemplating the concept of flying to the center of the earth. Dover probably isn't going to be around much longer but so far has had a spectacular string of luck, the most recent example being the time he landed a sub orbital in an expressway tunnel without injury to himself, his passengers, or anyone else.


Archetype: Dwarf Pilot

Coltrain, a former mercenary rigger whose face now consists mainly of scars and burns including a humorous one in the middle of his forehead which displays the words "Armarand Steering Wheel Company" backwards. Coltrain is one of the less wacko pilots and specializes in flights to remote, sparsely populated regions of the world and sometimes is able to recover his aircraft and fly it back home.


Archetype: Human Pilot

Kobyuck is about eighty years old and is waiting for a flight he believes is invariable fatal because he is sick and tired of living in a world which, as he makes a point of telling everybody, "sucks". Kobyuck thinks everything sucks. Ninety percent of his word usage involves the utilization of the word "suck". Simon has to all but tie him down to keep him from simply offering a random pedestrian a ride into the middle of Atzlan.