Blackjack's People #027
Neighborhood Watch
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1997-03-03

Art Taylor

Archetype: Human Wage Slave

Art is tired of seeing his neighborhood being victimized by crime, be they gangs, or mobsters, or yaks, or shadowrunners. Art, a low level worker at a rinky-dink corp, is in his mid forties with thinning hair and a blue collar build. He and a group of local residents have armed themselves with a variety of weaponry in a determined effort to keep crime out of their small section of the sprawl. Art personally owns an aging assault rifle and a variety of shotguns and, although his old military skills have about rusted out, he's still a decent shot. Although Art and his small group has had some success in chasing away the smaller gangs he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. All it takes is one shot at a mobster, or a runner, and lord knows what he'll bring down upon himself.

Mark DeNero

Archetype: Human Wage Slave

Mark is also a blue collar worker and is tired of the graffiti and the drugs and the theft. He owns a shotgun and a Colt Manhunter he confiscated from a ten year old who was trying to sell it. Mark, as does Art, usually takes on the most dangerous position offered by the watch group, namely, street patrol. It is his job to patrol the block and call back to the other via walkie talkie if anything bad is happening. He's not afraid to act on his own, however, and is especially not afraid to use his gun.

Kim Day

Archetype: Human College Student

Kim is only a part time student and gladly participates in the watch group. She's a bit "out there", smoking too much weed and occasionally chipping in a BTL or two, so her actions of good will are a bit hypocritical. Her post is simply her second story apartment which has a large front window through which she can see practically the entire neighborhood. Although, technically, those participating in the watch are only supposed to fire their weapons as a warning or in self defense, Kim has recently obtained a sporting rile equipped with a nifty scope and has therefore been cracking off the occasional kneecap shot.

Grover Stern

Archetype: Ork Former Military Soldier

Although the neighborhood is not prejudiced against metahumans, they are a little bit wary of Grover. It is well known that Grover was discharged as a "section eight" from the military, but what is not well known is that he has a veritable arsenal of military grade weaponry sitting in his apartment. Grover is gruff and standoffish and down right mean but is permitted to participate in the watch program because they need all the help they can get. His post is the front steps of his row house where he sits next to a partially concealed Remington sporting rifle. Also, just inside the door and out of sight, is the belted GPHMG he has on stand by.

Glenda Hempton

Archetype: Human Old Lady

Glenda is almost ninety years old, although she doesn't look a day over ninety five. Her purpose in the group is to babble about how all the young whippersnappers are making a mess of the city and, occasionally, bake cookies for those on watch. She also has somehow managed to acquire several functioning hand grenades, although she keeps this fact a secret, and vows to "let those little punks have it" one day.