Dr. Shake

Archetype: Human Geological Engineer

Once a United States sponsored geologist/seismologist, Dr. Shake worked on a secret project researching the effects of explosives on fault lines. His aim was two fold: Part of his goal was to figure out whether or not explosions from shelling and bombing could start an earthquake when one was not wanted. In addition the government wanted to know if shelling and bombing COULD be used to cause an earthquake when one WAS wanted. When the old United States fell apart, so did funding for "extracurricular" research such as Dr. Shake's. Fortunately one of the new and powerful megacorporations was more than happy to pick him up.

Dr. Shake bounces from corporation to corporation almost monthly, often arranging his own extraction when things with his currently employer don't go his way. Having abandoned his first goal, Dr. Shake now concentrates his research efforts on figuring out how to use explosives to activate fault lines. He has no sense of humor whatsoever and seems to think of absolutely nothing but his work. Although he has yet to successfully cause an earthquake he is in the process of preparing a field test based on new research, a field test he plans on carrying out very soon, probably somewhere in the California Free State.


Archetype: Human Demolitionist

Breaker's acne scarred face and distorted features make him nauseating to look at. He's heavily built, but still carries a lot of fat, and is slow both physically and mentally. He usually sits around bitching about how Dr. Shake hasn't allowed him to blow anything up yet.


Archetype: Ork Demolitionist

Hired temporarily for Dr. Shake's field test, Dakota has also experimented in the area of explosions and seismology and claims to have successfully set off a volcano, although nobody has been able to back up this claim. The vehicle Freebird drives is actually Dakota's and contains a wide array of drilling and explosive equipment. Dakota is a heavy drinker, often times locking up his own explosives with a timed lock so he can't get to them and blow himself up.


Archetype: Human Rigger

Formerly a member of the UCAS military, Freebird's bold, and sometimes stupid, flying tactics eventually resulted in a crash which left him paralyzed from the waist down. He hooked up with Dakota while both were in the hospital and was offered a vehicle and enough money to customize it to fit his special needs in return for a no questions asked five year partnership. Freebird saves up the small cut of money Dakota gives him in hopes of one day being able to afford the cybersurgery necessary to restore his full mobility. Freebird does not seem bitter towards Dakota for giving him such a small portion of the profits, still grateful for the Ork's initial assistance.


Archetype: Human Mercenary

Shania was also hired temporarily for Dr. Shake's field test and is yearning for the day its over and done so she can move on to more exciting employment. Just sitting around, waiting to protect somebody while they're blowing stuff up not being her idea of fun. At first glance her small size and seemingly delicate features would not give one the impression of her being all that threatening. As it turns out she has some of the densest muscle augmentation around, allowing it to stay small in size while still providing impressive power. On a bad day she can still easily punch through a cinder block wall with only minor damage to her cyberhands.