
Archetype: Ork Ghoul

Lime can sometimes be seen dragging bodies away from a fire fight and into the sewers where he lives. He then eats the dead individual. He will not attack the living.  Actually he is afraid of them. He is confused about his condition, not really realizing that he is dead, and will cry dry tears when he is finished and moan "What's wrong with me?". If someone offers to be his friend or even so much as talks to him he will assist them whenever possible, so long as it does not require much activity outside of the sewers.


Archetype: Ork Ghoul

A "friend" of Lime. He spends most of his time while they're together trying to convince Lime that he is dead and that he should hate the living.


Archetype: Troll Ghoul

A "friend" of Lime. Slug lives above ground in a large squatter camp where he has a close knit group of living people who know his identity and have agreed to keep it secret. He is constantly attempting to convince Lime to come stay with him at the camp.