Chelsea Day
Archetype: Human Store Owner
The owner of "Loves", a boutique specializing
in mushy lovey dovey stuff. She and her husband are in love. Very in love.
In fact, that's all they talk about is how in love they are.
Mark Day
Archetype: Human Store Owner
The reason could be the Dwarfs in the basement who have
given them a life time supply of love drugs and BTLs in exchange for the
use of their basement for dealing operations.
Archetype: Human Street Samurai
Lean and mean. Most expect a runner by
the name of Cupid to show up and be tiny and chubby. Cupid is a full fledged
runner and no little Cherub. He dresses in all black leather, layered over his
muscles until he appears as a virtual god. He wears a silver chain around his
neck with a heart on it and a button than declares "love the world" on his
chest. He is witty, smokes good cigarettes, and knows the line between business
and pleasure.
Cupid is completely clean of drugs, but
works for the dealers as muscle from time to time. He also just likes to stop by
and hang out at the store and watch Chelsea and Mark spout love quips at each other and laugh.
His primary weapon is the submachine gun but will occasionally pull the Ranger-X
off his back when he wants to get creative. The tips of his arrows are razor
sharp hearts.
Archetype: Dwarf Drug Dealer
A cigar smoker who hacks up a bucket of
phlegm an hour. Other than that nasty habit, Heart is generally a fun person to
be around. Until he gets mad. Then he can weave a tapestry of profanity which
stretches to China.
Archetype: Dwarf Drug Dealer
Chubby and in love with the world. He
some times gets so messed up on his own stuff that he gives it away for free.
You can usually tell he has done then when, late at night, he returns slapping
his forehead muttering "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." over and over.
Archetype: Dwarf Drug Dealer
Occasionally deals but usually just
keeps track of financial activity. He is also in charge of getting the goods
from the distributor and cutting it down or dividing it up. He deals in both
chips and drugs. He hardly ever talks and can usually be heard mumbling about
how idiotic Heart and Heartache are.