Blackjack's People #004
Action Video
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1996-04-15

Sick Rick

Archetype: Human Trideo Producer

Sick Rick is in the business of producing underground action trideo movies which he claims are shot in a studio but which are in fact tapes of people he has set up getting their butts kicked. He’ll simply have somebody hire a group of runners or gang members to take out another group of runners or gang members which he has also hired and then record the whole thing from hidden locations. He then sells them to underground stores and moves to another city before anybody can catch up with him. Rick looks and talks like a regular business man and actually has high level corporate contacts which allow him to get rooms in exclusive, and secure, hotels.


Archetype: Human Trid Technician

The remarkable thing about this whole operation is that it is essentially run by two people, Rick and Bleep. After selecting a location at which the “rumble” is going to take place, which is usually in the barrens, Bleep goes around and sets up remote cameras at various location around the area. He records from his van on another block and then simply drives off when shooting is complete, blowing up the cameras by remote control to lessen the amount of evidence. In addition to being a good technician Bleep is also good with disguise and street etiquette and he changes his appearance when setting up the “runs” which bring in his “talent” and when moving from town to town.


Archetype: Ork Bodyguard Conjuring Adept

Cancer is usually placed in charge of protecting Bleep, should trouble arise during shooting. A big, mean, cigar smoking ork, Cancer is also an accomplished conjuring adept, specializing in fire elementals. He usually keeps a few hanging around just in case. Cancer also owns a well armored van.


Archetype: Human Rigger

Detour is in charge of watching over and transporting Rick from city to city. Also possessing corporate ties, Detour and Rick often party together at high class establishments. Detour owns some sort of land vehicle in every major North American city but uses a Plutocrat, actually owned by a corporate friend, when moving between cities.