Blackjack's People #003
Clowning Around
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1996-04-01


Archetype: Human Clown

Bunzo is your typical split identity clown; funny and ridiculous on stage, a heavy drinker and all around schmuck off stage. He speaks with a thick Romanian accent and complains constantly about everything. His use of profanity tops all others. He was actually in the military at one point and is still mildly skilled in hand to hand combat. He is usually too drunk to fight effectively, however.


Archetype: Human Bodyguard

She is always chipping something which makes her laugh hysterically. And she'll keep laughing as she kicks your ass with her martial arts skills. Her and Bunzo spar occasionally. Slappy usually wipes the floor with him pretty good.

Henry Wrinklestein

Archetype: Dwarf Manager

Also speaks with a Romanian accent, he and Bunzo sometimes carry out entire arguments in Romanian.