Blackjack's Corner #025
More Questions?
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1998-09-15

Once again I’m neglecting my duties as a disseminator of semi-informative, yet occasionally useless, Shadowrun advice in the name of slacking off. My last fake questions article was such a hit that I’ve decided to give it another go. Anything to avoid honest work.

Q: There’s a player in my group who smells absolutely wretched. In our last session three of my regular players became violently ill, with one falling into a coma immediately after Jack entered the room. Is there anything I can do about this?

A: First, it is important to determine precisely to what degree this individual reeks, using the following table as a guide:

Wretched  Street bums gag whenever this individual is in the area.
Very Wretched Flies flee at his approach.
Oh God, Is it Human? Cartoon-like smell rays are visibly emanating from the individual’s body. Raw sewage shutters at his approach. Air freshener canisters explode when this person enters the vicinity

If the person is merely Wretched, I suggest wrapping a bug spray wrapper around a large can of Lysol and then chasing an imaginary fly around the room until the fly ‘lands” directly on this individual’s head, at which time you hold down the nozzle and count to one-hundred. Very Wretched Individuals can usually be made to smell more attractive by giving them a once over with a decent sized flame thrower. Individuals possessing Non Human odors are probably just that, not human, and I suggest that you get ahold of Scully of the X-Files to figure out how to return the individual to his home planet.

Q: I just got a new computer and I want to know how to use the foot pedal.

A: It’s a mouse, you idiot.

Q: I’ve written a Shadowrun adventure in Swahili using a German version of WordPerfect 1.2 and have zipped, bin-hexed, arcd and encrypted the file. Would you mind posting it on your page?

A: Sorry, I don’t take submissions. But I’m sure Paolo Marcucci would be more than happy to post it on the Shadowrun Archive. :)

Q: My friends and I like to drink heavily while playing Shadowrun. Unfortunately, after the 10th or 15th beer, I start to have trouble GMing. Any suggestions on how I can gamemaster more effectively while completely obliterated?

A: The important thing is to make sure the players are at least twice as smashed as you are. Start out by offering them free karma every time they finish a beer. You won’t have to give out karma for long because soon they’ll be willing to toss one back in exchange for a few rounds of light pistol ammo. Make sure they always stay five to ten drinks ahead of you. After your 10th drink (and their 20th) nobody will be able to tell how badly you’re GMing.

Here are a few other pointers to help you get through the evening:

1. When rolling dice, always half the number of successes you think you got. This is to compensate for double vision. If you don’t see any successes at all it either means you didn’t roll any or have slipped out of your chair and fallen underneath the gaming table.

2. Throwing up on the GM should result in a drastic reduction of karma.

3. All riggers should obtain a designated driver.

4. Finally, if so desired, empty bottles may be placed in two rows of 10, thus creating an interesting alternative to boring paper based condition monitors. (“Finish the Coors, Bob, I’ve gotta drop myself down to Moderate!”)

Q: My friends and I are trying to break the World Record for the longest role-playing session. So far we’ve been playing twenty days straight without sleep and I’m beginning to think that the purple comet wiglies are something happening in the pumpernickel.

A: Ah, I see. I suggest you fwiggle the snide buckers and clementate novas dematerialization. But, I have to admit, I’m not a specialist on the subject.

Q: I have a joke for you: Where does a Security Guard who likes simple forms of plant life live? Mossberg! Get it? Mossberg! Ha! Ha! Aren’t I just the funniest guy who ever lived?

A: No.

Q: A person at my church said that role-playing games are the work of the Devil and that I will go to Hell for playing them. Is he right?

A: I’m not sure, but if role-playing does get you into Hell, the Devil will probably make me GM.

Q: How many PCs have been killed in your games?

A: Only one. I just didn’t realize a pewter miniature could do that much damage.


A: Oh. All of them. I like to kill them off within the first five or ten minutes of the gaming session. The turn sequence flows much faster if you don’t have those damned PCs slowing everything down.

Q: What are your future plans for Brumby, Troll Philosopher?

A: Aside from the traditional writings, I’m planning a merchandising campaign featuring Brumby trading cards, books, collectors plates, dolls, pillow cases, firearms, and designer drugs. Look for all of these items soon at your local gaming store and/or inner city playground.

Q: Do you think you will ever completely stop writing stuff for Shadowrun?

A: Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. You should see some of the E-mail I get when I miss one of my weekly updates. Some of it’s downright frightening. Some examples:

Dear Blackjack,
If you miss another weekly update, I will burn down your apartment.

Dear Blackjack,
We have kidnapped your sister. Post some more Brumby or we will sell her into the Thai sex trade.

Dear Blackjack,
Located beneath your chair is a small device which contains A: A heat sensor, and B: 5 kilograms of C-4. If you attempt to move from in front of your computer without posting some more Radio Phree Philadelphia the device will detonate, killing you and everybody else on the block. Just thought I’d let you know.

Q: When do you plan on finishing this article?

A: Right about now.