Blackjack's People #121
Grease Monkeys
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 2000-10-09

Jack Handle

Archetype: Ork Mechanic

When you need your vehicle back on the road in a hurry, Jack’s the person to take it to. And while his repair tactics aren’t the most eloquent in the world, he’ll make sure your vehicle stays running long enough to make it through the run, to the next city, or to a different mechanic (perhaps one who’s a bit less likely to use spare tank armor to repair that hole in your trunk). Jack is a teddy bear of an ork, sporting a jolly, bagel filled stomach and a Santa Claus beard. His mannerisms are casual, but very direct, and he absolutely hates it when people waste his time by attempting to suggest altenatate methods of repair that oppose Jack’s ‘Rivet And Run’ philosophy. Jack’s garage is located in the middle of a densely packed junkyard that contains everything from broken down VW Microbuses to surplus tanks. And remember: While Jack is a master at repairing vehicles, any attempt to get him to actually design one will almost certainly produce comical results (“Whattaya mean you don’t like the Runabout/MBT hybrid?”).


Archetype: Human Mechanic

Turbo exists on planet Earth for the sole purpose of making vehicles go very, very fast. Or, to be more specific, she exists to keep vehicles going very, very fast. Turbo can repair just about any kind of engine with a degree of speed and mastership that’s remarkable considering how little (in relative terms) she charges for her services. A lover of fine cigars, Turbo’s mental lewdness and vulgarity contradict her debutante appearance, and she for all the world looks like somebody who one day decided to give up her job as a model, throw on a jumpsuit, and start working on cars. (Which, as a matter of fact, is exactly what happened). Even though she works relatively cheap, she will often request a service from the customer as repayment for her generosity. Some of these requests can be quite dangerous, although it is rare that anybody actually turns her down because nobody wants to lose such a damn good mechanic.


Archetype: Dwarf Mechanic

Mod is skilled at fixing all of those neat little toys you bought before realizing that it’s sometimes a bitch to find somebody who not only knows how to fix a Spectralized Vision Enhancer, but also has the necessary parts. Mod’s garage looks more like a warehouse, its vast shelves supporting all kinds of obscure parts needed to repair and maintain complicated vehicular modifications. It can take Mod, an aging, graying, cynical dwarf, quite a while to repair certain modifications, usually because they can be so complicated that, without the vehicle’s original design specifications, a partial re-engineering if the automobile may be necessary. But the extra time (and, of course, money) is usually well worth it since Mod’s repairs tend to actually improve the performance of the original enhancement.

Lug Nut

Archetype: Troll Mechanic

Lug Nut, and his mobile tractor trailer garage, provide on the spot repairs for individuals who have managed to get their vehicle too messed up to drive to a decent garage. Unfortunately, the price you pay for such convenience comes in the form of a less that excellent mechanic. In other words, Lug Nut kinda sucks. But, since his primary purpose is to get your vehicle running to the point that you can at least get it out of the DMZ, even Lug Nut has a difficult time screwing up the relatively simple repairs needed to make this happen. It is usually not a good idea to actually watch Lug Nut work on your vehicle, due to the anxiety generated by watching an uncoordinated troll accidentally rip essential parts from your vehicle and then reattach them with duct tape. He does have one redeeming quality, however: If you want to use his facility and do the repairs yourself, he’ll let you. Although he’ll still expect to receive his normal hourly fee.