Blackjack's People #042
Nature's Wrath
By Blackjack [Blackjack's Shadowrun Page:] [] [@BlackjackSRx]

Posted: 1997-09-29


Archetype: Human Oak Shaman

When walking as a child in the woods behind her parent's house Whisper came across a clearing in the middle of which was a large oak tree the likes of which she had never seen before. All forms of animals either played around its trunk or lived in it's strong branches, animals which were not frightened, who were almost pleased at her arrival. She returned to this spot for many years, learning to communicate with the animals, and even the tree itself. She could sense the joy, freedom, and safety they felt living beneath the oak's strong branches, and with these creature's assistance, was able to get in touch with the magic dwelling within herself.

At the age of sixteen she was informed by her father that he had made plans to sell the woods she had spend so much of her life in to a corporation for the purpose of building a factory. Whisper's mother objected and Whisper herself pleaded and begged for him to change his mind, but he wouldn't budge. The night before the sale she returned to her little clearing for what she thought would be the last time. To her surprise there were now several shamans surrounding it, with joined hands, chanting a song she had never heard out loud before, but knew by heart. Without a word they made room for her in the circle and the five of them made an esoteric call to the earth for it's help. Nature answered without hesitation and that night Whisper's parents were killed in a mysterious fire.

Now twenty five, Whisper rarely speaks. The land on which her tree stands was passed on to her after her parents' death and she lives in a small cabin just outside the clearing, rarely emerging to visit the old oak. She rarely eats and has let herself waste away to a shell of her former self and as her physical body wastes away, so does her ability to utilize the power oak has given her.


Archetype: Human Oak Shaman

Autumn is an imposing woman, tall and strong, a stature which has shattered more than one illusion of the female shaman as being a twiggy, granola oriented hippy. While Autumn may utilize her magic in the name of health, her other skills center heavily around physical combat. Of solid Native American decent, Autumn has felt most comfortable utilizing hatchets and axes, some of which have been passed down through countless generations. Many of these instruments double as weapon or power focuses. Autumn's mannerisms are very blunt and to the point, and she'll let you know exactly how much she likes you or, more commonly, how much she hates you. Autumn has a distaste towards everything technological, only utilizing it when absolutely necessary. She is especially hateful toward megacorporations and, unlike her more submissive friends, will often attack remote construction outposts with extreme brutality, slaughtering everyone connected with the project. She requires no special accommodations in order to be comfortable and is more than satisfied with a bed of leaves on which to sleep.

Student Of The Eternal Cycle

Archetype: Human Oak Shaman

As the Student began to find out more and more about life, its secrets, and his future through communication with his totem after settling around the great oak, he began to age rapidly. With every secret he wrenched from the grasp of nature, another year was taken off his life. Now, at only the chronological age of 31, Student looks very elderly. He can barely keep up the strength he requires to keep in touch with Oak and it's almost as if the Oak is trying to tell him to back off. But Student won't let up until he finds out about everything, an impossible endeavor he just won't give up. He rarely speaks anymore, living solely in the swirling tornado of questions which slowly tear apart his mind.


Archetype: Human Oak Shaman

After nature brought its wrath upon Whisper's family, a majority of the shamans who had participated in the great prayer left the clearing, and the realm of magic, forever. A year later a beautiful middle aged woman, also an oak shaman, appeared and, without a word, set up residence in an old shed located just outside the clearing. She rarely emerges, except to gather food and water. Occasionally she approaches Whisper's cabin, but always hesitates and turns away. Whisper has always been able to sense her approach and feels a strong need to speak with this mysterious woman, although she eventually turns away from the idea. The force propelling her, a force which has been all but destroyed by the trauma Whisper experienced, is the unseen bond which exists between any parent and child. Yes, Solstice is Whisper's mother.

Saved by the spirit of the oak from death by fire, Solstice's soul was condemned to a prison, in the form of an oak tree, in a nearby forest. A young shaman, and a woodcarver, happened upon the tree and felt the mysterious essence of a beautiful being, a woman, which he proceeded to carve. For months he worked feverishly and meticulously on the carving, letting no detail of the image escape the final piece. When it was completed he felt no need to display it, or to posses it, and simply slipped away into the woods forever leaving behind a figure so life like that life itself began to slip into it. The end result was Solstice, and a second chance, an opportunity she must take advantage of soon before Whisper's magic and will to live completely fade away.