All material Tweeted through August 31, 2021 has been
Follow me
@BlackjackSRx for unenlightening blather about assholes with platinum
cred sticks, rainbow portals, book nostalgia, and, of course, troll dick. |
Places x 10 |
The Tossed
Salad - Restaurant [AAA] - Ed Wan [O/M], Owner - Staffed entirely by
ex-cons convicted of gang on gang murder, the owner hires parolees right
out of prison who had dedicated developing their culinary skills into
sheer genius while incarcerated. AND MORE.... |
NPCs x 14 |
[F/T] - Vengeance Assassin - A woman of too many
faces to count, she is hired to research the target, find their greatest
love, best friend or family member, and slay them in as horrible a manner
possible. With no moral compass, anyone is game.
AND MORE.... |
Quotes x 14 |
“I tell them to enlarge their skulls to fit the new brain
but, no, cram it in they say. Whatever. Just give me my fee and here's
some free fucking aspirin.” Dr. Goode, from ‘Square Peg, Round Hole: The
Funny Side Of Cybersurgery’, p. 2068.
AND MORE.... |
Corps x 3 |
LandLove Reclamation - Landfill Reclamation - Aresti
Edmiston [M/T], CEO - Using gargantuan machines with millions sorting
drones and nanos, they extract every possible resource out of a fill,
resulting in ultra-toxic sludge they dump back in the hole.
AND MORE.... |
Places x 12 |
Gamma Sun - Large Nightclub [Z]
- Corroded Soul [F/T], Owner
- For the cyberzombie who went way deep into the hole, the rusted,
decaying Hell dungeon constantly emits radiation from the ceiling that the
CZ’s seem the get high off of. AND MORE.... |
NPCs x 15 |
Maira Olegario
[F/H] - Fair Witness - Conditioned since birth
to report the absolute facts of a situation, her treatment appears to be
wearing off, which makes her an immediate target for elimination despite
the heavy investment. AND MORE.... |
Quotes x 26 |
still want the record to show that I beat the living shit out of that
donkey.” Dill Wart [O/M], In a rambling police
statement after a drunken miscommunication at The Screaming Asses’ 'Donkey
Punch' night. AND MORE.... |
Corp x 8 |
Yummy Now -
Candy Delivery Services - Valeri Valderrama
[F/O], CEO - Similar to other specialized drone delivery services, this
company stands out because is has been used several times by runners to
rain Skittles on their enemies during combat. AND MORE.... |
Places x 19 |
Helpbrewski - Small Bar [C] - Dr. Naimah
Kolokotronis [F/H], Owner - Staffed with actual skilled bartenders who
listen and often advise, drinks are extremely expensive, but also is
hiring a staff of booze slinging empaths and psychologists. AND MORE. |
NPCs x 26 |
Randell Belitz [M/O] - Transit Authority
Cop - While still willing take a bribe, the poor guy has been shot 7
times (that’s incidents, not bullets) protecting people at his tense
subterranean post. He’s starting to get a little pissed at this.
Quotes x 18 |
“I got so many Colt M23s
crammed into my bathroom alone that I have to shit in the yard. The
neighbors don’t complain, probably because of all the Colt M23s I got
crammed into my bathroom.” - Finnick, Fence AND MORE. |
Corps x 4 |
Logic Stalkers - Think Tank - Menestheus Murakami [M/H], Director - With
the goal of making logical sense of the world, they’ve been accused of
hacking systems to use their processing power. They also maintain their
own quantum network. AND MORE. |
Places x 19
Pizza - Restaurant [Z] - Cavalier [M/H], Owner - Sure as FUCK better
be flashing your AMERICAN FLAG with FIFTY STARS or the patrons of this
wasteland establishment will SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE. But, man, a choice of
over 60 toppings! AND MORE. |
NPCs x 6 |
Nancy Queen [F/O] - Loan Shark
- Passing through collecting debts from
some of the wealthiest people in town, which kinda’ makes you wonder
exactly how wealthy these people actually are. AND MORE. |
Corps x 3 |
Entertainment - Vilma Sying [F/O], CEO - Forefront of orichalcum infused
electronics they claim invokes a 'magical sim experience'. Recently hired
renowned alchemist Andres Icaza right out from under another corp. AND
Unfiled |
Articles: 2 |
Updated: 2019-11-13 |
Stuff that I haven't found a place for yet. |
Blackjack's People |
Articles: 162 |
Updated: 2019-12-05 |
Over 650 NPC Profiles in over 150 Groups. |
One Hundred Street Names |
Articles: 35 |
Updated: 2021-05-31 |
Street names. More than 100 actually,
but "More Than One Hundred Street Names" wouldn't fit in the header. |
Sheet Retreat |
Articles: 28 |
Updated: 2019-12-02 |
Basic NPC sheets filled with fodder for
Shadowrun 5th Edition. |
NPCs From Hell |
Articles: 6 |
Updated: 1999-08-02 |
These are the really scary people in
your neighborhood. |
Articles: 22 |
Updated: 2019-08-30 |
Grab a beer at The Tavern Of Butt. |
Places |
Articles: 8 |
Updated: 2019-03-22 |
Hit the dirt! No, literally!
There's something crawling out of it! |
Blackjack's Corner |
Articles: 49 |
Updated: 2001-07-10 |
Humorous (and often disastrous) advice for
your enjoyment and frustration. |
Archive |
Articles: 8 |
Updated: 1999-12-31 |
Snippily, but kinda useful, answers to
e-mails. |
Phree Philadelphia |
Articles: 7 |
Updated: 1999-08-09 |
Love him or hate him, Razor's in your car
and in your head. Meet the biggest dick in radio. |
Fiction |
Articles: 14 |
Updated: 1999-08-09 |
Every runner has a story. Here's a few
of them. |
General Humor |
Articles: 15 |
Updated: 2021-01-26 |
Upon reviewing this collection, I've found
most of it to be stupid. But it's funny stupid, so post it I will. |
Spellbook |
Articles: 9 |
Updated: 2019-05-31 |
I mean, how have we gotten along this far
without an Orgasm spell? |
Useless Artifacts |
Articles: 7 |
Updated: 1997-07-19 |
Ludicrous chaos in an otherwise smooth
flowing campaign.
Esoteric Shitstorm |
Articles: 16 |
Updated: 2021-05-31 |
Magical, mystical chaos. |
Matrix |
Articles: 1 |
Updated: 1996-10-14 |
Oh, lonely Matrix article. How I weep
for thee. |
Additional Resources |
Shadowruns |
Articles: 18 |
Updated: 2021-01-01 |
A mixed bag of simple runs,
ideas and hooks. |
Maps |
Articles: 23 |
Updated: 2021-01-01 |
Building maps, city block maps, etc. |
Random Tables
Articles: 46 |
Updated: 2019-12-02 |
Stumped on what to call the drug your
player's dipshit PC just OD'd on? Roll one up! |
Vehicles |
Articles: 12 |
Updated: 1998-11-16 |
Vroom. |
Articles: 1 |
Updated: 1998-12-07 |
Banner ads and, well, for now that's about
it. |
Disclamers |
The Topps Company, Inc. has
sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs,
sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in
connection with the game Shadowrun. The Topps Company, Inc. has
granted permission to
Blackjack's Shadowrun Page to use such names, logos, artwork,
marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and
informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not
affiliated with Blackjack's
Shadowrun Page in any official capacity whatsoever. |
ALL nonstock image firearms appearing in photographs on the page
are Airsoft, Nerf, replicas or toys. None of them are
real. Just thought I'd let everybody know. |
It has come to my attention
that the presentation of extreme ideas can be hazardous to your desire
to stay out of jail if you're in the proximity of a transpiring
non-legal event which even remotely resembles something you have put
on paper. In my defense for events which may or may not occur in the
future I would just like to say that anybody attempting to use my
thoughts against me should look up the definition of "creativity" in
the dictionary. Being creative requires that you occasionally send
your mind into dark territories, places that never in a million years
you would visit, or wish to visit, in reality. So to anyone who feels
that thoughts classified as abnormal, or even psychotic, should be
used as damning evidence in reality based situations, I'd just like to
say go fuck yourself. |
If you are
thinking of hurting yourself or others, please call 800-662-HELP. |